Monday, September 30, 2019

Effects of Emotions on Driving Essay

There are reported cases of vehicular accidents every year in the United States. Even though drivers are aware that drinking and using cellular phones while driving are dangerous, they overlook other factors that might contribute to accidents such as physical condition and emotion. Emotions, along with personality types, video games and gender differences, determine driving behavior. Emotions can be a positive force in determining driving behavior. For instance, a person can be motivated to drive safely by his love for his family. Moreover, if he fears any legal consequences or accidents, it might restrict him from reckless driving. On the other hand, if a person has emotional problems, this can possibly lead to collision. Some may think that emotions may have little effect on one’s driving. But according to researches, any kind of emotion has negative impacts on driving, which can cause impairments that the driver is not fully aware of. A person who is frightened, depressed, upset or excited while driving may be in the same danger as someone who is engaged in a phone call or is drunk (DMV, 2008). There are also cases when a person has to drive after attending to an emergency or after learning of a loved one’s sickness or death. To avoid accidents, it is advisable that the driver pause a while to get his bearings straight before getting behind the wheel. Research about causes of vehicular accidents showed that those who are experiencing negative and even positive emotions were at a distraction level more serious than those who were engaged in a phone call. These emotions can affect even excellent drivers in many ways. First is that they might experience â€Å"dimmed or impaired observation and reaction times† (DMV, 2008). Second, drivers might not see debris in the road or might not recognize situations such as slowing of traffic, which can result to hitting other cars in the way. Third, drivers might not recognize what is happening around them (Connolly, 2007). For instance, they might not recognize that a car ahead is turning around or is about to cross. Fourth, emotions might cause drivers to make risky changes such as abrupt change of lanes. Fifth, they might feel as if they were detached from their surroundings (DMV, 2008). There might be some cases wherein a person is involved in a road rage. Road rage has become too common these days. It is responsible for many cases of bodily injuries and accidents on the road. These accidents can be attributed to the fact that some drivers overreact and personalize driving situations. Researches about road rage showed that more than half of all the drivers in America can express road rage themselves, or they can be a victim of another driver’s road rage. Moreover, the U. S. Highway Safety Office declares that the many cases of accidents on the road are connected to road rage or aggressive driving, as such, road rage is now the primary cause of death (DMV, 2008). The personality type of a person can also determine his driving behavior. Personality type is categorized into Type A and Type B. Type A is those that are impatient, aggressive and hostile while Type B is those calm individuals (Sedona. com, 2007). One of the traits common in the abusive personality or Type A individuals is recklessness in driving. Drivers categorized as Type A are always in need of power and control. This might be an explanation for engaging in road rage situations. Emotions’ effects on driving can be further explained by what is going on in the parts of the brain involved. Emotions have effects on the part of the brain responsible for reason, thought and judgment. These brain parts mature when a person reaches 25 years of age. Thus, drivers below 25 years old, especially teenagers, are at risk of accidents (Davis, 2005). The parts of the brain related to emotion and decision-making of the teens are still developing. As their brain develops, teens are susceptible to risky behavior such as driving too fast. Brain immaturity is responsible for the high number of teen crash rate today. Recent brain researches of the National Institute of Health (NIH) have come out and shown that young drivers are at risk of accidents because the â€Å"executive branch† of the teen’s brain that is largely responsible for weighing risks, making judgments and controlling impulsive behavior is not yet developed. Results have shown that a â€Å"16-year-old’s brain is far less developed† (Davis, 2005) than those teens who are a bit older. This explains why there are more 16-year-old drivers who are at a higher risk of crashing than those older teens. In fact, a recorded number of 937 drivers who are 16 years of age were involved in fatal crashes in 2003. Almost half of those drivers and 352 of their passengers were killed. Thus, young teenagers need supervision because they are too young to drive. Another factor that psychologists and doctors looked into to explain the many cases of teen crashes is the video games. Video games on racing feature realistic driving environments wherein players must race through city and traffic (Wood, 2007). Several studies were conducted to determine the relationship between video games and driving. One such study was conducted by Douglas Gentile and Craig Anderson, both psychologists. Video games are interactive and engaging. Plus, violent behavior in video games is rewarded. Thus, teens and even adults tend to repeat these behaviors as they play. Gentile and Anderson indicated that for these reasons, violent video games may have stronger effects on aggression. The results have also shown that video game is directly related to having aggressive thoughts and behavior (cited in American Psychological Association, 2004). Another study by German researchers has also shown that video games affect those who play them. The researchers stated that the video games exhibit â€Å"competitive and reckless driving, speeding and crashing into cars or pedestrians, or performing risky stunts† (cited in Wood, 2007). This means that the actions in video games can result to accidents or crashes in a realistic racing environment. The researchers chose 198 men and women to participate in the study. Results showed that those who play more often were likely to engage in risky and aggressive driving and getting into car accidents while those who played less often were more cautious in driving (Wood, 2007). Studies were done to determine the difference between male and female when it comes to driving. Men are more aggressive than women, as is explained by testosterone, the male sex hormone responsible for aggressiveness in men. Most people want to know if men tend to be aggressive compared to women when driving, as such, a study showed a situation wherein a male driver became upset when another driver cut in front of him. He followed the car until he found out that the driver was a female. He was shocked because the female driver drove violently, when in the society women are not depicted to drive aggressively. If the other driver was not female, would the driver’s behavior of following the car be justified? Just from observation alone, we see how men and women differ in emotional behavior when driving. Men will likely criticize another driver, making sure that the other driver can hear him. Women, on the other hand, will likely criticize other drivers to themselves because they fear retaliation. There are also instances when emotional behaviors get in the way of safe driving. For instance, a girl asked her boyfriend to drive her home, but the boyfriend got upset. At 60mph, he sped around corners where the speed limit was 25mph. The boyfriend’s want for being in control forced his girlfriend to comply with his emotions. Anger sometimes gets the best of drivers. It results to behavior that is destructive for both the driver and the passenger (Lucey, n. d. ). Emotions affect driving. When a person is elated, frightened, worried or depressed, he or she might not be able to perform well in driving. Aside from emotions, other factors that can affect driving are personality types, video game influences and gender differences. References American Psychological Association.(2004, June 8). Violent video games – Psychologists help protect children from harmful effects. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://www. psychologymatters. org/videogames. html Connolly, A. (2007). How to control your emotions on the road. Associated Content. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/157425/how_to_control_your_emotions_on_the. html Davis, R. (2005). 16, Is it too young to drive a car? USA Today. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://www. usatoday. com/educate/college/firstyear/articles/20050306. htm DMV. (2008). How emotions affect driving. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://www. dmv. org/how-to-guides/driving-and-emotions. php Lucey, C. (n. d. ). Gender differences in driving norms. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://www. soc. hawaii. edu/leonj/459ss97/clucey/report2. html#2 Sedona. com. (2007). Type A personality, Type B personality: How much are we really controlled by â€Å"personality types†? Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://www. sedona. com/lp-typeA. aspx Wood, J. (2007). Video racing games may spur risky driving: study. Soft32. com. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://news. soft32. com/video-racing-games-may-spur-risky-driving-study_3722. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Analysis of the Black Cat Essay

â€Å"I neither expect nor solicit belief† explains that the narrator does not expect the reader to believe the story they’re about to read, because he finds it unbelievable himself which is evidenced by the excerpt â€Å"Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. † With that being said the single effect of the story is alcohol induced insanity. The Black Cat† is a tale that deals with the ups, downs, and delusions of alcohol. The story is told in first person so the reader will get an intimate sense of the writer’s thoughts and feelings. The narrator at first appears to love his wife and pets, however by the end of the tale the narrator is delusional and despises his once beloved pet and its replacement. His alcoholism leads to madness and he hangs the first cat. This is succeeded by his house burning to the ground and his entire world of wealth with it. The narrator then â€Å"resigns himself henceforward to despair† this phrase shows him falling deeper into alcoholism and insanity. The narrator’s decent into insanity is further evident by the phrase, â€Å"when I first beheld this apparition- for I could scarcely regard it as less- my wonder and my terrors were extreme. † He continues for months that the phantasm of the cat haunted him. He then finds the second cat which is seemingly related to his alcoholism as he finds him among one of the taverns frequently visited for the purpose of intoxication. He soon finds aversion for the cat. The narrator then speaks of how he feels the cat is out to get him, as shown by the statement, â€Å"I am almost ashamed to own that the terror and horror with which the animal inspired me, had been heightened by one of the merest chimeras it would be possible to conceive† The narrator story continues with him and his wife walking into the cellar. He feels the cat tried to trip him down the stairs and enraged he swings an axe at the cat in which his wife blocks. The narrator then writes â€Å"Goaded by the interference into a rage more than demonical, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. This shows his level of insanity increasing into murderous rage. He then sets forth without remorse to cover up the murder of his wife. The narrator’s insanity doesn’t take away from his intelligence. As G. K. Chesterton quoted â€Å"A madman is not someone who has lost his reason but someone who has lost everything but his reason† (www. goodr eads. com/qoutes). The narrator has thus shown that he is insane but also calculating. He also shows very little guilt over the murder of his wife which is witnessed by the excerpt â€Å"The guilt of my dark deed disturbed me very little. The narrator is instead feeling enlightened at this point in the story because his tormenter, the cat, is not around. Satisfied that he would not be caught; when the police did a search of his home he felt it necessary to gloat about the sturdiness of the home and tap his cane against the very wall with which he had imprisoned his wife’s dead body, he pens â€Å"No sooner had the reverberation of my blows sunk into silence, than when I was answered by a voice from within the tomb. † This second cat in the end provides justice when it reveals the hiding place of his murdered wife with its cry. This story has many elements that contribute to the single effect of alcohol induced insanity. The strongest element is character development. As previously stated, the narrator begins his tale as a seemingly normal man and as his alcoholism gets worse so does his decent into insanity. The character develops slowly over the course of the story thus making his decent into madness more believable. He creates the climb into insanity by centering his anger on the cat due to the irritation that arises within him from his alcoholism. He further exasperates the conflict between him and the cat by inflicting violence upon the brute and blaming it upon the spirit of perverseness. The character has now developed from the ostensibly normal person in the introduction to a drunken insane violent man. He continues with the characters madness but takes it further by the instant rage they caused him to murder his wife. The character then realizes the need to think clearly, intelligently and concedes to concealing his wife in the cellar wall, like the monks of the Middle Ages did their victims. The center of his insanity it would seem has disappeared with the murdering of his wife and the narrator perceives himself as no longer insane cause his tormentor has let him be. Then comes the search for his wife by the authorities and the narrator feeling good about his current disposition brags in little detail about his heinous deeds and is thrust back into madness instantly with the shrieking of his tormenting beast. The single effect of this short story is alcohol induced insanity. The narrator tells the story of how he once was sane and lucid and then began his descent into insanity because of alcoholism. The short story shows the effects alcohol could have on anyone person when drinking excessively. The effects of alcohol have been well documented throughout time and can affect each individual in a unique way, causing happiness in some and insanity in others.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Case study in event planning industry Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

In event planning industry - Case Study Example This one event can lead to many different risks. Specific risks are the risk of flooding, other damages to plumbing lines, possible shut down of water to nearby facilities which leads to ill proper use of the golf course and hotel/ casino. If the two businesses were forced to shut down due to no water, this would lead to many stakeholders being at risk. The second risk was when the catering company continued to get a fork lift loaded with banquet tables stuck in the mud that was produced from damaging the water line. If the catering company was unable to get to the event because of mud, it is likely that other companies would have the same issue. In order to minimize theses risks, it takes someone who can work well under pressure and is able to utilize necessary human resource skills to get the job done. An event manager needs to be prepared for a crisis to happen and have a different plan in force to help minimize risk even if the crisis does not happen. Being prepared is the first step in minimizing any risk associated with certain types of events. It is important to be prepared to make sure all vendors and stakeholders suffer the least amount of damage in a crisis that cannot be minimized. To make sure that the stakeholders suffer the least amount of risk, the problem with the damaged water line needs to be properly addressed. With only a few hours remaining until the start of the event, the damage has to be assessed and it needs to be determined whether or not the water line can be replaced, how long it will take, and what needs to change if it cannot be replaced in time. The catering company is going to have to wait for the ground to dry up, or get a bigger machine in there that can quickly get the fork lift out of the mud. If the fork lift is unable to be removed, the tables are going to have to be moved by hand along with the rest of any items. Human Resource Management/ Traditional? Human resource management can be defined as the management of employees . Since events consist of many vendors to make sure the event is successful, human resource management for events is similar for any traditional business environment. It is similar in the role of the management professional but, actually more complex than a traditional business setting. Human resource management for events is highly more complex as it does not deal with normal day to day operations. Different types of crisis’ can occur that makes the work of the one involved in human resources much more complex. The complexity is subject to fast problem solving, intervention, dealing with different types of vendors, and making changes where necessary. Every aspect is important when managing an event to make sure the event goes according to plan. Venue Investigation When planning an event it is important that the event is properly investigated to make sure it will fit everyone’s needs, involve the least chance of crisis, leave enough time for planning and an adequate am ount of attendees. Choosing a venue such as a golf course located within a casino/ hotel, it was important to check the facility to make sure it was capable of meeting the events needs. This is so in order to make sure there is enough room for guests, parking, overnight stay and easy access to places such as airports/ freeways. Once the event site was chosen, the venue had to meet the attendee’s expectations. Meeting everyone’s expectations is a hard task to accomplish but can be

Friday, September 27, 2019

How did teddy roosevelts life prepare him to build panama canal Essay

How did teddy roosevelts life prepare him to build panama canal - Essay Example The Panama Canal was a project by the French that would save the long journey from the Atlantic to Pacific via South America and which took months to get across from. Just as the Suez Canal had attracted investors, the Panama Canal was believed to be a viable project for future investors as well. Due to the bad weather and wild animals including snakes and insects that caused malaria, thousands of workers died and millions were used without any much work being completed and the canal was left unfinished by the French. Once he became president, Roosevelt picked up the project in 1902 and they reached an agreement of $40 million to buy the rights from the French and agreement reached with Panama of $10 million which secured the Canal Zone rights to build. This was not so smooth a deal as US had to go to war with Columbia over Panama and US won amid bribery of soldiers to surrender the war and it made Panama a country with its own sovereign rights from Columbia and hence accepting the deal from the US of the rights in exchange for the money to build their country (Vander Hook,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Digital Marketing Campain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Digital Marketing Campain - Essay Example Several areas of digital marketing has been looked at including the general goals for the campaign, the target audience, key campaign message and offers, strategic plan and implementation time. Above all, it is strongly recommended that this document be accepted as a working paper as it has the key to ensuring that Central Station increase in revenue and by extension increase in development. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0 Campaign goals and tracking. 1 1.1 General marketing aim of campaign and context The general aim of the program is to increase the reach out to customers by 40% in a year. The achievability of this goal lies in the sense that users of new media keep multiplying by the day and thus with digital marketing, the chances of increasing music artistes, especially up and coming ones coming to contact with the works of the company will be assured. 2 1.2 Product categories or services targeted Judging from the fact that the company is a media company and specifically a record label pr omotion company, the product and service categorization shall include the maximization of all components of digital marketing, which include banner advertising, search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click services (Reitzin, 2007). 3 1.3 Sales and lead generation goals The sales of the company is sure to increase because lead generation features shall be created on the websites to allow accessibility of the company to reach as many people as possible. 10 2.0 Target audience, customer insight and targeting. As Miller (2010) notes, even with digital marketing, â€Å"the basic principles of marketing still apply: know your customer.† The first audience and customers shall be upcoming and existing musicians. As copyright laws ensure, a record label company cannot use the work of an artiste without the artiste’s due contingence (Gardner, 2003). The second target audience and customers shall be all music lovers and music users. This means that the core task and duty in record label marketing shall not be lost as Hutchison and Macy (2010) notes â€Å"Record Label Marketing offers a comprehensive look at the inner workings of record labels, showing how the record labels connect commercial music with consumers.† 11 3.0 Key campaign messages and offers 3.1 Fairness To a large extent, the digital marketing messaging shall portray and as a matter of applicability, ensure fairness for customers. Especially for music artistes, there shall be messaging that proof beyond every reasonable doubt that when decide to do business with the company and by extension allow the company to promote their music, they are going to have a fair deal when it comes to sharing of earnings. For music users, there shall also be special messaging on reduced cost of music use as compared to other companies would offer them. 3.2 Creativity The whole content of messaging shall be spiced with creative. This means that the appearance of all media of advertisement shall be bra nded with beauty and creativity. This shall be seen on websites, magazines and banners. There shall also be creativity with regards to accessibility of advertising media especially the use of internet based marketing media. 3.3 Inclusiveness Inclusiveness shall be trumpeted because it is an important offer for boosting customer growth (Ababio, 2003). The world over, economists and marketers have proved through

Legal and ethical issues in Siemens Global Case Study

Legal and ethical issues in Siemens Global - Case Study Example The company should have faced stringent operating procedures and forced to pay heavy penalties that would have discouraged prospective perpetrators. A small amount of slightly over $ 2 billion was a slap in the face of economic crime regulators since the company’s annual sale at the time was at a figure of over 70 billion Euros. This only encouraged the company to bribe more parties. Any company that fundamentally violates the acceptable code of business conduct ought to face stiffer penalties than just mere monetary fines that the company could have deemed as ‘budget fines’ (Twomey et al., 2011).   If you were the new Chief Ethics Officer, how would you have handled the situation? Although I would have handled the situation in a more or less similar manner to the then Chief Ethics Officer, I would however, taken a slightly different approach as far as the management of rogue employees is concerned. My first approach would have been to arrange for seminars where different personalities would train and encourage the employees on the benefits of upholding acceptable ethical standards. Instead of just dismissing incompetent employees, I would have engaged them in educational seminars before demoting them to lower positions so that they could rework their way up the corporate ladder through ethical and just means. This approach would have instilled confidence in them and all other employees to work as a team towards the attainment of Siemens short-term and long-term goals (Fernando, 2010). Was the corruption justified since bribery was legal in Germany until 1999? Despite the fact that bribery was legal in Germany, there was no justification for the corruption witnessed in Siemens whatsoever. The fact that Siemens is a German company did not negate the need to operate in accordance to the internationally accepted business ethics since Siemens is an international company with subsidiaries spread across the globe. Although, the senior executives in Siemens’ case tried to justify their acts as a strategy to gain competitive advantage in the market, this still violated the internationally accepted business conducts. This is because most of Siemens’ corrupt deals were international and any company that operates on a global platform ought not to use local policies but internationally recognized ones in business operations. With all these evidences of breach of international law, it is wise to conclude that Siemens was not justified to embrace bribery and corruption as ‘company policy.’ (Twomey et al., 2011).   How does an organization make the shift to refine their ethical practices when there is such a radical change in policy? More often than not, organizations that take the bold step to ethical recovery undergo agonizing experiences though the results obtained are much pleasant. Various ways by which organizations can make the shift to refine their ethical practices exist and there is no single most approach to this course. Some organizations opt for the restructuring of the management system in an attempt to reverse the undesirable trends witnessed over a period. While this can be an appropriate approach for a dynamic and self-motivated team, the organization can seek to transform the culture of employees directly by either imposing new company policies or engaging the employees in dialogue. Ordinarily, most organizations choose the latter as it has the effect of improving employees’ trust and confidence in the company. Overall, whichever approach an organization decides to take should incorporate participation by all stakeholders (Fernando, 2010). By researching online, what have been more recent developments with Siemens Global

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Archplot in the film Die Hard Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Archplot in the film Die Hard - Movie Review Example These struggles must represent the protagonist's particular desire to achieve his objectives against the antagonistic force. There is a linear time frame which characterises the temporal features of the story. This linear time frame is produced as a result of discrete and causally related events. The final feature of the Archplot is the nature of the story's ending. The ending leaves no room for doubt as to the fate of the characters. The ending, in short, is characterised by a finality which cannot be altered. This essay will argue that, in nearly all respects, the Die Hard screenplay conforms closely to the main features of the Archplot. This screenplay pursues the fundamental features noted by McKee, and a textual analysis of the screenplay will be employed to analyse each of these features of the Archplot, respectively. There is a preliminary question as to whether the main protagonist is active or passive. The protagonist in Die Hard is John McClane, a New York City police officer. The script introduces him as "mid-thirties, good-looking, athletic and tired from his trip" (Die Hard: 3). He has a Beretta pistol visible through his open jacket and, in an early attempt to establish the protagonist as an active character, the script contrasts him with a fellow airline passenger when "McClane turns, looks at the Babbit clone next to him. Caught, he tenses, holds his armrests in exaggerated fear" (Die Hard: 3). The Babbit reference is to a famous American literary work which bemoans the passivity and the helplessness of the working man. The physical description of the protagonist, the gun, and the explicit literary reference seek to immediately establish McClane as the anti-Babbit, or the opposite of passive and helpless. McKee establishes various guidelines, or commandments if you will, for creating an active protagonist within the Archplot framework. First, the action must always be within the control of the protagonist. This does not require that the protagonist drive the action forward, indeed the protagonist may be placed in a reactionary role, but that the protagonist is always connected in some way to the plot as it unfolds. Second, the plot must pose challenges and obstacles for the protagonist; in this way, an active protagonist is one whom is presented with barriers to the achievement of certain goals and objectives. Finally, the active protagonist is characterised by an event or a situation which throws his life out of balance or in some other way renders him vulnerable to an antagonistic force. The John McClane character conforms extraordinarily close to McKee's notion of an active protagonist. Die Hard begins and ends with the protagonist. John McClane comes to Los Angeles, becomes embroiled in an adversarial conflict, reigns supreme in the conflict, disposes of the adversary, and then continues to enjoy the original purpose of his visit. As an initial matter, McClane is perfectly tailored for the conflict which he encounters, describing himself as "a New York cop who used to be a New York kid, and I got six months backlog of New York scumbags I'm still trying to put behind bars. I don't just get up

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Business ethics - Essay Example akes the market becomes inefficient because it makes companies look good not by producing the best product and services at the least cost but by means of misrepresentation. Companies are made to look profitable by financial acrobatics when in fact, they are not making that much. The prevalence of fraud has a grave social implication whch everybody experienced recently. The financial crisis was precipitated by fraudulent companies where investors lost its trust in the market because of frauds. The law intends to make the financial industry objective and ensures that the financial reports that companies release to the general public are accurate and free from fraud and prevent other companies to have undue advantage through fraud such as the case of Enron. This will make the market more efficient because it prevents fraud which distorts the market. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act law intends to remove the possiblity that auditing firms and companies will connive to give the public a false financial report that distorts the operation of a free market. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act would prevent auditing firms such as Arthur Andersen to assumed the role of an Management Consultant as well as Auditor for companies like Enron. When Arthur Anderson became a Consultant for Enron, it became in effect its employee and thus losing its independence thereby conflict of interest inevitably arise which is inimical to the efficient operation of the market. This would be prevented with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act because the law stresses Auditor Independence that establishes the independence of external auditor to limit the conflicts of interest. Conflict of interest leads to losing independence of audit report that lead to their audit certification of a company’s overstated earnings and thereby distorting the market by not reflecting the true financial position of its players. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act also mandates the establishment of a Public Company Accounting Oversight Board which

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Strategic Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Choice - Essay Example Growth relates to each and every employee at the workplace. The development in the quality of existing employees’ skills and the quantity of skilled workers leads to overall organizational growth. The most precious asset that a company may cherish is its employees and it needs to be seriously concerned with all issues that may dissatisfy, frustrate or depress them. Without happy employees, no strategy is going to work and no progress will be seen in the long run. This paper discusses what alternative my organization ( must consider to realize growth and what strategy or combination of generic and grand strategies it must implement in order to improve its organizational growth. Alternative Strategies Leading to Organizational Growth pursues its organizational growth, growth stages and the directions in which the company is going in a variety of ways. Yet, it is undergoing some troubles regarding guiding itself and its labor through periods of growth. It is having problems with maintaining control over resources and workforce. There are many recommendations and alternatives that it needs to consider to chase the course of its growth at every stage. Some of these strategies are discussed below: 1. New Markets and Target Consumers ... 2. New Services The organization should also try to offer new services to the consumers apart from simply recording and filing their complaints. When it will expand its offers to the clients, it will automatically attract more clientele and build its repertoire in the market and among the competitors. Implementation of new products and services is recognized as a significant way leading to organizational growth. 3. Looking for External Financial Resources We are focusing significantly on increasing the finances because we know that the organization will need funds to support its expansion in terms of employees and resources. A productive way to increase this funding is to look for external financial resources which may be in the form of monitory support from investors, partnerships, banks, and other government and private companies that may want to acquire the organization and fund it. This funding will help the company in designing and implementing such generic and grand strategies that ensure its growth. Growth Strategies for my Organization A strategy means a plan that guides an organization through a process or from one state to another. A growth strategy is the plan that the organization uses to broaden the scope of its business by expanding its consumer group. The objective of such a strategy is to improve the organizational growth while balancing the resources at the same time. Although there are many kinds of growth strategies that firms use like merger, joint venture, acquisition, and strategic alliance, I would recommend that must use the joint venture and strategic alliance strategies to enhance its organizational growth.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A View from the Bridge Essay Example for Free

A View from the Bridge Essay In the scene it shows that he enjoys drinking (which is usual for a man in this time period), it also tells the audience that he is trying to drown his sorrow and that he likes Catherine which he is stressed about because he is afraid that Rodolpho would take her away from him. Marco is strong but silent unlike Eddie who thinks that you need to show off your strength to prove how manlike you are. This is shown to the audience through the scene where Eddie hits Rodolpho during the boxing match. Marco is more like Eddie than he is like Rodolpho, i. e. Eddie and Marco is both driven by their beliefs and protective of their family. The most important thing to Marco is his family back in Scilly; he has come all the way from there to America only because he cant earn enough money to support his children. Honour is also very important to Marco, which is way he kills Eddie in the end for telling on him to the immigration bureau. All these things about Marco are demonstrated to the audience by the way he works and the fight between him and Eddie at the end of the play. Marco and Eddie are similar in many ways, they are protective of their family, they stand up to what they believe in and they both want respect but in different ways. Marco wants his respect because Eddie told the immigration of his presence but Eddie wants his respect in front of the neighbourhood (because Marco took his good name). He also wants respect from his family because he thinks that being the man of the house you must have respect from everyone. Physical strength to Marco is not to show how manly you are but to Eddie he thinks its a way of telling people how tough and manly he is, so he challenges Rodolpho to a boxing match and hits him. Marco then shows him what strength is for, Here. He kneels, grasps, and with strain slowly raises the chair higher and higher, getting to his feet now. Rodolpho and Catherine have stopped dancing as Marco raises the chair over his head. This scene shows us that Marco is protective of his brother and physically stronger than Eddie. Rodolpho is a totally different man to Eddie and Marco. He can sing, make dresses, cooks and is very talented. Eddie and Marco both has plans for their future but Rodolpho just likes to dreams of becoming an American citizen, owning a motor bike and going to Broadway to sing and dance. Eddie is made uneasy by all the cooking and singing because at the time this wasnt what a man would do and it would be left for a woman. Catherine likes Rodolpho because she is naive and hasnt been allowed out of the house, whereas Rodolpho has came all the way from Scilly and he is different to Eddie which is the only man she has known is here entire life. Once we went to Yugoslavia. These are the reasons why Catherine is seduced by Rodolpho and the fact that he respects her makes him even more attractive to her. I think that the characters are very believable as men because in the 50s Eddie and Marco was the type of man you would find everywhere, but Rodolpho is a little less believable as a man because in the 50s this is not what a man would do (singing, dancing, cooking etc) and was considered as a womans. Catherine likes Eddie but only because he has brought her up and looked after her, because of this she feels that she must be responsible and stay by his side and obey his commands. While she likes Rodolpho because he is young attractive, different from Eddie and has travelled far and wide around the world, where she has only stayed in Brooklyn for her whole life. Masculinity is important to the play because if any characters behaviours where different then the play would have changed dramatically. E. g. if Eddie didnt love Catherine, then he wouldnt have told the immigration bureau about the two Sicilian brothers and if this never happened, Marco wouldnt have needed to seek revenge. In the end the real man is probably Eddie because he died for what he believed in but Marco could be considered as the real man because he too stood up to what be believed in and killed Eddie and also protected his brother when Eddie hit him. In the end, I think that the audience comes out thinking that Eddie and Marco are the real man, this is probably because that they both stood up to their beliefs and Eddie even died for what he believed in. Although people may think that Marco was wrong for killing Eddie, all he was doing was following his Sicilian unwritten code of honours. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Human Lymphocytes Exposed to Co Irradiations and I Decays

Human Lymphocytes Exposed to Co Irradiations and I Decays Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Microdosimetry Problem statement Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging use unsealed radionuclides for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. In targeted radiotherapy, the aim is to address tumor cells using suitable radiopharmaceuticals and achieve a high dose deposition inside the target structures. â€Å"Macrodosimetry† generally entails estimating the dose effect in organs (or dimensions of at least some millimeters) and is outlined in detail by the Medical Internal Dose (MIRD) Committee, the U.S. Society of Nuclear Medicine and the International Commission of Radiological Protection (ICRP) [1]. Microdosimetry therefore entails estimating the dose absorbed in microscopic objects such as cells. Dose deposition in cells can originate from extracellular media, intracellular uptake in a single cell and from surrounding cells. As an alternative to characteristic photon emissions,radionuclides decaying by electron capture or internal conversionmay undergo a process known as the Auger effect. In the Auger effect, an electron from an outer shell fills the lower electron vacancy, but the energy released in the process is transferred to another orbital electron. This electron is then emitted from the atom instead of a characteristic X-ray [2]. The emitted electron is called an Auger electron,with ranges in tissue typically at the micro- or nanometer level [3].Their unique property of depositing significant amounts of energy in minute volumes around the decay site opens up the possibility of using them as microscopic probes to study fundamental questions regarding the interaction of radiation with cells. 123I is used mainly in nuclear medicine because of its ideal ÃŽ ³-ray energy (159 keV) and relatively short half-life (13.2 h). The decay of 123I is, however, also associated with the production of Auger electrons. These low energy particles (4]. Knowledge of the absorbed dose is required for evaluation of the observed biological effects and to predict or compare the effectiveness of different radiation modalities. However, direct dose measurements in cells are impossible due to the small cellular dimensions [5]. According to the stochastic character of all of the decay processes, a large number of pathways exist by means of which a radioactive particle can decay and the excited atom can de-excite, i.e. each initial inner shell vacancy may cause a different number of Auger electrons to be emitted resulting in a more or less broad distribution of differently charged ions. Because these electron transitions and particle interactions are random processes, the Monte Carlo technique is an appropriate tool for the simulation of Auger emissions and electron spectra, as well as a feasible method to obtain correct absorbed dose values under consideration of all irradiation aspects like geometry and activity distributions [5],[6], [7]. Bingham et al. found that the dose delivered to the cell nucleus is underestimated by a factor of 7.4 for 123I in cells with nuclear radius of 4 ÃŽ ¼m and cell radius of 12 ÃŽ ¼m when compared to conventional electron dosimetry, indicating the need of developing dosimetr ic calculations for electrons emission at a cellular level [8]. Geant4 is an open source Monte Carlo (MC) toolkit, based on object orientated programming rules using the C++ language, which provides functions for simulating the passage of particles through matter [9]. The code is freely downloadable from the Geant4 web site. Detailed descriptions of the toolkit design and the physical fundamentals may be found in the â€Å"Geant4 User’s Guide for Application Developers† and the â€Å"Physics Reference Manual† [10], [11]. Besides the fact that it is entirely open-source and freely available to all users, the main advantage of this toolkit is its openness to modification and extensions. Originally Geant4 comes from high-energy physics but it also provides low-energy physics processes necessary for medical applications. Users may construct stand-alone applications or applications built upon another object-oriented framework. In either case the toolkit offers support from the initial problem definition to the production of results and graphics for publication. At the heart of Geant4 is an abundant set of physics models to handle the interactions of particles with matter across a very wide energy range. Data and expertise have been drawn from many sources around the world,and in this respect Geant4 acts as a repository which incorporates a large part of all that is known about particle interactions[12]. All aspects of the simulation process have been included in the toolkit: the geometry of the system, the materials involved,the fundamental particles of interest, the generation of primary events, the tracking of particles through materials and electromagnetic fields, t he physics processes governing particle interactions, the response of sensitive detector components, the generation of event data,the storage of events and tracks, the visualization of the detector and particle trajectories, and the capture and analysis of simulation data at different levels of detail and refinement. 1.2. Objectives Aims The level of biological effects of certain radiations is not always directly proportional to the dose they impart. Since the delivered dose on a cellular level is not directly measurable using current instrumentation, scientists and physicians have developed correlations between the biological response and the exposed dose through experiment and theory of atomic physics. An alternative method of predicting the delivered dose in a cell is by using Monte Carlo simulations. These simulations however, have to describe the biological composition and geometries of the material as accurately as possible, as well as the interactions of different particles with the material and can therefore result in complex codes and extremely long computation times. In our study, the aim was to determine (through experiments and using Monte Carlo simulations) the relative biological effectiveness[1] (RBE) of isolated and stimulated human lymphocytes exposed to 60Co irradiations and 123I decays. The first phase of experiments was the exposure of 3 different types of cellsto a 60Co-teletherapy unit. The proposed cell lines were: human lymphocytes, rat brain endothelial cells(bEND5, a cell with high radiosensitivity) andChinese hamster ovarian cells (CHO-K1, a cell with low radiosensitivity). The cells were exposed to graded doses of 60Co ÃŽ ³-radiation, after which they were cultured and the micronuclei formations in binucleated cells were used to analyze the effects of ÃŽ ³-radiation on the cell types. The second phase of experiments was the exposure of a known number of isolated and stimulatedhuman lymphocytes to certain activities of 123I for a discrete amount of time. The thymidine analogue 5-[123I]-iodo-2-deoxyuridine (123IUdR) was prepared and used to incorporate123I into theDNA of human lymphocytes. This was done such that the radionuclide could be transported across the cell and nuclear membrane to permit the deposition of Auger and Coster-Kronigelectrons in close proximity to cellular DNA. After exposure, the samples werecultured to express residual radiation damage. The cellular damage was quantified by numerating the micronuclei (MNi) frequency in binucleated (BN) cells.The experiments were done at iThemba LABS under the supervision and guidance of Prof. Slabbert and Philip Beukes. The experimental work followed the same approach as that of Slabbert, et al[13]. In the study they focused on the targeting and accumulation of 123I in human lymphocytes and CHO-K1 (a Chinese hamster ovary cell line). They found that the combined effect of intracellular and extracellular disintegrations of 123I is about 3.7 times more potent to lymphocytes compared to when the disintegration of the radionuclide is restricted to only the extracellular medium, among other results. It was concluded that this enhancement is due to the short range Auger electrons emitted by the isotope. Next, we wished to recreate the above experiments through Monte Carlo simulations and thereby determine as accurately as possible the absorbed energy and dose due to the irradiations,specifically the energy and dose deposited by Auger electrons produced during the decay of 123I. We will make use of a Monte Carlo based simulation code Geant4. The code must be mastered and used to simulate the scenarios mentioned above. We attempted to simulate the above 60Co exposures. This simulation was an investigation into the irradiation of a macroscopic volume by a radioactive source. The geometry was set up to replicate the experimental setup with regards to the source location and type, collimation, build-up and backscatter, the Petri dish and cellular media. The individual cells were not used as detectors, only the effective volume in the Petri dish. The energy and the dose deposited by the 60Co source (ÃŽ ³-rays, primary and secondary electrons) was then quantified by the Monte Carlo simulation. Our main endeavor was to simulate the energy deposition from the decay of 123I within a cell using Geant4. Basically, a geometry representing a biologicalcell (with the same density, etc. as the proposed lymphocytes) was created as a detector to measure the dose, energy and particles traversing it due to a radionuclide prone to emit Auger electrons, i.e. 123I. A similar simulation was performed by Bousis, et al (2012), using their in-house Monte Carlo code [14]. More advanced simulations are the calculation of DNA strand breaks due to direct and indirect effects of Auger electrons as was demonstrated by Raisali, et al (2013), which werehowever not attempted in this investigation [15], [16], [17]. Furthermore, an empirical formula relating the activity(and consequently the absorbed dose) to the biological response was determined. The curveswere compared to other dose-response curves from literature, thereby indicating if the simulations are a viable option for predicting accurate dose depositions. We could then calculate the RBE values from our dose-response curves and compare them to values available in literature. Finally, we aimed to determine the accuracy and feasibility of Geant4 as a simulation toolkit for medical and radiobiological purposes. To this end we considered the practicality, effort and time spent using Geant4, as well as by the comparison of RBE values and dose-response curves. Geant4 is an advanced, extensive and comprehensive simulation toolkit. Its advantage over similar packages with regards to availability, artistic and geometric freedom, physics models and materials libraries and openness to modification are undeniable. It is a very powerful simulation toolkit and can be used in a large number of areas of expertise as is shown by the examples supplied alongside the toolkit. [1]RBE values indicate the effectiveness of two radiation qualities to produce a certain biological response.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

An Analysis of George Batailles The Story of the Eye Essay -- Story E

An Analysis of George Bataille's The Story of the Eye ...awareness of the impossibility opens consciousness to all that is possible for it to think. In this gathering place, where violence is rife, at the boundary of that which escapes cohesion, he who reflects within cohesion realizes that there is no longer any room for him (Theory of Religion 10). When Georges Bataille first published The Story of the Eye in 1928, anonymously and "in a limited edition of 134 copies" (Lechte 118), he had been at the Bibliothà ¨que Nationale in the department of numismatics for nearly six years. Bataille was thirty-one at the time of publication, and it was not his first or the most violent piece. "The Solar Anus" which preceded it actually looks ahead to the serious ethnographic articles, albeit often of a scatological nature, which Bataille wrote for Documents, a short-lived journal which he edited and founded in 1929. Active in surrealist and avant-garde circles, Bataille courted the radical left of the political and aesthetic arenas, although his professional work compelled him to function within rigid systems. While The Story of the Eye is often dismissed as adolescent writing (Bataille himself calling it juvenile in a preface to a later edition), I offer here a reading of The Story of the Eye in the context of his profession as a librarian and of his work as editor and writer for Documents, a journal that consolidates his reflections as antiquarian, literary artist, and amateur ethnographer. To read Bataille's fiction in concert with his sociological and critical writing elevates the radical negativity of its violent transgression to a positive value. The text of this novel contains, in an embryonic stage, the basic theories which... ...F. Bouchard. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1977. 29-52. Gill, Carolyn Bailey. Bataille: Writing the Sacred. New York: Routledge, 1995. Hollier, Denis. "The Use-Value of the Impossible." Bataille: Writing the Sacred. 133-53. Lechte, John. "Surrealism and the practice of writing, or The 'case' of Bataille." 117-32. Nietzsche, Friedrich. On the Genealogy of Morals. Trans. Walter Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale. Ed. Walter Kaufmann. New York: Vintage, c1967, 1989. Richardson, Michael. Georges Bataille. New York: Routledge, 1994. Stoekl, Allan. Introduction. Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939. Georges Bataille. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1985. ix-xxv. Suleiman, Susan Rubin. "Transgression and the Avant-Garde: Bataille's Histoire de l'oeil." On Bataille: Critical Essays. Ed. and trans. Leslie Anne Boldt-Irons. Albany: SUNY P, 1995. 313-33.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Is it right for celebrities to make a lot of money? Essay -- essays re

Over-Paid, Yet Under Rated   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Growing up in America, many people are unaware of what is really occurring around them. People are so into their televisions, and their jobs that they fail to recognize the amount of work that is put into making this country as wonderful as it is. However, many people complain about the wages they receive hourly at work, or the salary they earn every month. Some complain that it is too low, and others complain about the taxes that are deducted, and how they do not have money to spend for occasions like Christmas, or even vacations. Then those same people sit at home, watch television, whether it is a basketball game, a game show, or even a soap opera, and complain about why those actors, athletes, and entertainers earn so much money, when they do not do as much as doctors, and teachers do. They complain about soccer players that are paid more monthly than doctors do yearly. They complain about singers that are paid for lip singing on stage, fooling many people. Ev en with their complaints, they sit down and watch the football game, watch the concert, and support actors, entertainers, and athletes. Why should those actors, entertainers, and athletes be paid that much money when they do not shape our future like teachers do, or save lives like doctors do? Unfortunately, for those people who complain, it is because of people like that, which cause people like Britney Spears, and Shaquille O’Neal to have more money than some people can count. It certainly is not fair that famous people such as Shaquille O’Neal, and Britney Spears earn so much money, but people cannot complain about it not being fair because unfortunately America is a very entertainment filled country, and almost everyone in the country has a favorite singer, band, athlete, team, or sport that they support, by either purchasing clothing, albums, tickets to the games or concerts, which makes the famous person earn that high amount of money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The music industry is a very large industry in America, and it seems to be growing larger and larger year by year. A person may not have to go through four years of college to be able to sing a song, but either way they must work to earn what they do. An example of that would be the famous rapper Eminem. While growing up, Eminem had to work to support his mother because his f... ... so the people who complain will stop complaining about how those famous people get money, but will then begin to complain about why there are no good shows, or sports, or movies to watch on television any longer. There will always be complaints, but those who complain should be aware that they are the ones that cause those actors, actress, athletes, and entertainers to have the amount of money that they do. Works Cited Lawson, Terry. â€Å"’8 Mile’ Strikes Gold at Opening.† Detroit Free Press 11 Nov. 2002. 24 Nov. 2003. . Reinhold, Eric J. â€Å"A Game Plan for Working with Professional Athletes.† Journal of Financial Planning. Jun. 2000. 26 Nov. 2003. . Rovell, Darren. Official: Beckham Not Nearing Lifetime Adidas Deal. 11 Aug. 2003. 25 Nov. 2003. . Salary Cap for 2003-04 Season set at $43.84 Million. 15 Jul. 2003. 24 Nov. 2003. . Salomon, Yves Erwin. â€Å"Eminem, Mariah Carey & Jay-Z Make Top 10 of ‘Rocks 50 Richest 2003’ List.† Launch Music on Yahoo. 18 Mar. 2003. 25 Nov. 2003. . Specialists, not Generalists, Taking Home More Pay. American College of Physicians. 25 Nov. 2003. . Wilson, Bernie. â€Å"Bryant: ‘Terrified’ for case’s effect on family.† USA Today. 4 Oct. 2003. 25 Nov. 2003. . Is it right for celebrities to make a lot of money? Essay -- essays re Over-Paid, Yet Under Rated   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Growing up in America, many people are unaware of what is really occurring around them. People are so into their televisions, and their jobs that they fail to recognize the amount of work that is put into making this country as wonderful as it is. However, many people complain about the wages they receive hourly at work, or the salary they earn every month. Some complain that it is too low, and others complain about the taxes that are deducted, and how they do not have money to spend for occasions like Christmas, or even vacations. Then those same people sit at home, watch television, whether it is a basketball game, a game show, or even a soap opera, and complain about why those actors, athletes, and entertainers earn so much money, when they do not do as much as doctors, and teachers do. They complain about soccer players that are paid more monthly than doctors do yearly. They complain about singers that are paid for lip singing on stage, fooling many people. Ev en with their complaints, they sit down and watch the football game, watch the concert, and support actors, entertainers, and athletes. Why should those actors, entertainers, and athletes be paid that much money when they do not shape our future like teachers do, or save lives like doctors do? Unfortunately, for those people who complain, it is because of people like that, which cause people like Britney Spears, and Shaquille O’Neal to have more money than some people can count. It certainly is not fair that famous people such as Shaquille O’Neal, and Britney Spears earn so much money, but people cannot complain about it not being fair because unfortunately America is a very entertainment filled country, and almost everyone in the country has a favorite singer, band, athlete, team, or sport that they support, by either purchasing clothing, albums, tickets to the games or concerts, which makes the famous person earn that high amount of money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The music industry is a very large industry in America, and it seems to be growing larger and larger year by year. A person may not have to go through four years of college to be able to sing a song, but either way they must work to earn what they do. An example of that would be the famous rapper Eminem. While growing up, Eminem had to work to support his mother because his f... ... so the people who complain will stop complaining about how those famous people get money, but will then begin to complain about why there are no good shows, or sports, or movies to watch on television any longer. There will always be complaints, but those who complain should be aware that they are the ones that cause those actors, actress, athletes, and entertainers to have the amount of money that they do. Works Cited Lawson, Terry. â€Å"’8 Mile’ Strikes Gold at Opening.† Detroit Free Press 11 Nov. 2002. 24 Nov. 2003. . Reinhold, Eric J. â€Å"A Game Plan for Working with Professional Athletes.† Journal of Financial Planning. Jun. 2000. 26 Nov. 2003. . Rovell, Darren. Official: Beckham Not Nearing Lifetime Adidas Deal. 11 Aug. 2003. 25 Nov. 2003. . Salary Cap for 2003-04 Season set at $43.84 Million. 15 Jul. 2003. 24 Nov. 2003. . Salomon, Yves Erwin. â€Å"Eminem, Mariah Carey & Jay-Z Make Top 10 of ‘Rocks 50 Richest 2003’ List.† Launch Music on Yahoo. 18 Mar. 2003. 25 Nov. 2003. . Specialists, not Generalists, Taking Home More Pay. American College of Physicians. 25 Nov. 2003. . Wilson, Bernie. â€Å"Bryant: ‘Terrified’ for case’s effect on family.† USA Today. 4 Oct. 2003. 25 Nov. 2003. .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Descriptive Essay - Fifth Avenue -- Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writ

Naples is a very unique city that attracts people from all over the world to its beautiful surroundings. Amongst the pristine beaches and championship golf courses, a teenager can find many entertaining locations. One such area can be found in downtown Naples on Fifth Avenue. Along this stretch of road near the beach lies a vast array of shops, cafes, restaurants, and other establishments. I often find myself spending many nights on Fifth Avenue, walking along the tree-lined streets or sitting in one of the numerous cafà ©s or restaurants. One of my favorite places located along Fifth Avenue is Starbucks, a coffee shop offering many different types of coffees, teas, and snacks. I frequently find my way down to this coffee shop after school meetings, on weekends, or on days when I just ne... Descriptive Essay - Fifth Avenue -- Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writ Naples is a very unique city that attracts people from all over the world to its beautiful surroundings. Amongst the pristine beaches and championship golf courses, a teenager can find many entertaining locations. One such area can be found in downtown Naples on Fifth Avenue. Along this stretch of road near the beach lies a vast array of shops, cafes, restaurants, and other establishments. I often find myself spending many nights on Fifth Avenue, walking along the tree-lined streets or sitting in one of the numerous cafà ©s or restaurants. One of my favorite places located along Fifth Avenue is Starbucks, a coffee shop offering many different types of coffees, teas, and snacks. I frequently find my way down to this coffee shop after school meetings, on weekends, or on days when I just ne...

Personal Philosophy of Teaching Essay

â€Å"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.† – Chinese Proverb I came across this quote back in secondary school when I was bringing the books to my Chinese teacher’s desk. Never would I have thought it would relate to me so closely. As an early childhood educator, our aim is to provide quality education and care to the preschoolers in our care. Children are the future of our country, therefore comes the importance of education. I believe that children are born a â€Å"blank slate† (Locke, 1704) , and they behave like sponges, therefore they will retain and retrieve as much information that are passed to them. There is a pre set standard that is set for each educator for each level, but beyond that , my main goal as an educator is to provide an environment for constant learning and discovery for both the children and myself. Through instilling a love of learning in every student, i hope to ignite their love for learning both in and beyond the classrooms. Building relationships is the first step to everything. Not only can I gain the trust of the children, but the parents as well. When I gain the trust of the child and the parents, not only will it allows me insights of their family environment and beliefs, it also opens a window of conversation with the child. I can get to know more about the child’s hobbies, likes and dislikes and learning styles. This would allow me to approach the child in a more appropriate manner or revise the curriculum to cater to his/her needs. When a child is comfortable in the classroom because they know that they are in safe hands, they would in turn open up more and share more ideas. This also makes the child feel respected. Parental involvement is an important aspect building relationships. Having an idea of what are the parents expectations and addressing a clear stand of my expectations of the children, yet being open to their thoughts and feedbacks would be crucial especially to a new teacher like me. Also, updates, newsletters and calls help the parents to have an idea of the child’s performance in school, and these are usually doubles as record of  the development of the child. Literacy and language are skills that I feel are essential to everyone. The ability to achieve the different levels of reading and writing not only helps indicates the child’s developmental milestone, but also contributes to the child’s social skill. Social skills are life skills that the children take with them out of the classrooms and into society. Experimental learning is another vital life skills that I believe all children should possess. Therefore I strive to make all the learning in my classrooms as relatable to real life as possible. The authentic learning allows the children to have hands on experience with the subjects as they grow and learn to engage themselves in the real world. Being able to make connections by linking the things they learn in the class to the society is important, but making the classroom a conducive place for their classmates is too. Such social and emotional skills are difficult to impart as they are rarely textbook based but rather being felt, therefore cooperative play is highly encouraged in the classroom as well. Meaningful learning experiences cannot happen without a properly equipped classroom. Excellent classroom managements like the inclusion of routines, procedures and also the use of positive reinforcements not only help to maintain order in the classrooms but allow children to feel safe and valued. Indeed, teaching a man to fish an last him for a life time. Likewise, instilling the love of learning within the children will inspire them to continue the lifelong pursuit of wisdom and knowledge even after the educational process has been completed. Though these beliefs are the essence of my philosophy as an early childhood educator, but to cater to the constant change and ever-evolving of the needs of society, the philosophies are reviewed from time to time to help better evaluate personal progress and achieve goals. References Mouner. M (2013) Burns,M.S, Johnson R,T & Assaf M,M (2011) Preschool education in today’s world: teaching children with diverse backgrounds and abilities(USA, Baltimore) Meggitt, C (2012) Teach Yourself , Understanding Child Development (London) Feeney, S, Christensen,D & Moravcik, E (2006) 7th Edition – Who am I in the lives of children: An introduction to early childhood education.(Upper Saddle River, New Jersey) Pearson Education Inc. Ministry of Education (2012) Nurturing early learners, A curriculum framework for kindergartens in Singapore.(Singapore, Singpore) Asian International College (2011) Principles and practices in early childhood care and education : ECE 101 The Gale Groups (2008) Encyclopaedia of children and childhood in history and society: John Locke (

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reflective Account Essay

A new little boy started recently in nursery, as he entered nursery i bent down, smiled giving him eye contact i then said hello using his name and told him mine and he smiled back. He had never been to nursery before and he was very excited and had no awareness of the daily routine. i calmly held out my hand and he held out his. holding each others hands i showed him where his name card was, he picked up his name card and we walked over to the self-registration board. i asked him what he would like to play with and he chose to play with the cars. but during his play he become very upset because he wanted to play with the red car and another child had the red car. so i bent down and placed my arm around him and asked to look at me. Tears were rolling down his face and i explained to him that when the other child had finished playing with the red car he would be able to have a turn. i then sat down next to him to take turns in using the garage and sharing the cars. During the session i continued to support him, during lunch time and throughout the session. On occasions when he was unsure of what to do we went over to the routine board and talked him through the pictures so he knew what was happening next. Reflection I felt that i reassured him by letting him know who i was and at all times i made sure i gained his attention by using his name and ensure that he was listening by making sure we gained eye contact before speaking. I helped him with understanding the daily routine and I helped him with his social skills by supporting him with understanding the we need to take turns and share. Next time Next time I will carry on encouraging his social skills and communication skills by supporting him with sharing the toys and taking turns. I will also tell him the children’s names so he will feel part of a group and help with his self esteem. All while letting the child know I will be there to support him and help with his daily needs if he needs it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Community College Students Essay

Often times, community college students are depicted by the public and the media as â€Å"not smart enough† or â€Å"not capable. † For example, just recently I was at Barnes and Noble and as I was looking for a book the sales associate approached me. She asked me if I needed help then asked me what school I attended, when I told her that I go to Fullerton College her attitude changed. She asked me if I didn’t go to a four year university because of my grades, when I told her that, that wasn’t the reason she went on ranting that I need to do good in school and I shouldn’t be at a community college. It seems that the public look down on the students at community college. When watching the show, â€Å"Blue Mountain State,† you have a group of friends that happen to be on the universities football team. On the show is portrays the typical university life and the football players engage in heavy drinking, drugs and lots of sex. If a four university is offering that then what is so good about going to one? Often times you hear about crazier parties thrown by universities rather than community colleges. Universities are supposed to be prestigious but these huge parties are throwing them off. Many times the public says that community college is no good because of its parties with drugs, they say that’s why no students should aim for community colleges but statistics say that universities throw the biggest parties. Who are the bad guys now? Recent talk on the website collegeconfidential. om, students talk about how their parents do not want their kids to go to a community college. This is a website for real people with answers from people who have had the experiences. A student just recently posted that his parents did not want him to go to a community college because they are no good. Many people were quick to respond to his post, most of the people who replied were adults who have had the experience, even some professors, and they told him that community college is not bad at all. The responders replied by saying that ommunity college has great professors and are cheaper than a four year university. Of course at a four year university you will get a bit better education, but for those who cannot afford the fees it is great for them. For example, a user , â€Å"NTKTOP,† posted this comment. â€Å"My parents say that they suck and that they’re going to kick me out of the house if I go to one. † This student sees nothing wrong with community college but his parents do, then this is what one San Diego State University graduate had to say, â€Å"I don’t think they’re bad. Of course, it depends on the school you choose and professor you get, but that’s the same of any traditional school. CC can be a good jumping board for some people. No matter where you go, you will find easy professors but in my experience CC is a not a bad choice. † This is my second semester in a community college; so far everything has been going good. The professors I have had are not very difficult but do not give easy grades. Last semester I had a Spanish class that was for advanced speakers but there were some things that did not click in my mind. My professor would stay with me after class to try and help me to better understand the material. This semester my math class has tutors that they offer for free. I take advantage of these resources because they are free and the professors are willing to help me out without any problem. The stories I hear from my friends in community college are that they have teachers that care for the student’s education; they do not give easy grades just because we are in community college. Many professors want to further our knowledge and prepare us for our transfer to a university. No matter where you go, you will get a great education. The United States is known worldwide for its prestigious schools. A big part has to come from the students, if the student is willing to put in the time, dedication and effort their possibilities are endless. So far, community college has been a great experience for me. I have great professors who are always able to help out. The media tries to pick on community colleges but in reality, it is a great choice in this economy. Many students that leave a four year university have a huge debt to pay because of loans. Many students choose community college because it is a fraction of the cost of a university. I do not think it is fair when parents judge community colleges as bad; you can get a good education for a very affordable price. You can go to a community college such as Fullerton College, which has great professors, to get your general education classes out of the way for a low price then transfer to a four year university to mainly focus on your degree classes.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lust for Power; Destruction of Humanity

Lust for Power; Destruction of Humanity â€Å"Power†, the literal meaning of this word is â€Å"control†. Unfortunately, we are living in a world where the lust for power has resulted in the destruction of humanity. From the lower class clerks to the industrialists of the highest class, everyone is involved in a race, a race to get to the top. And they are willing to use any means to get there. Leg pulling has become a culture now a days, no one can digest anyone else’s success. Everybody is blinded by this hunger for attaining power.Take any one; a student can do anything to get an A in his finals, even if it may involve sabotaging his fellow students’ work. A country can go to unthinkable extents to get to the top, even if has to take down another country and kill numerous of innocent people. In our country, â€Å"Pakistan†, we are going through the same phase. Every day we see T. V shows where politicians are busy shouting and yelling, blaming ot her politicians, fighting just to get power and get a hold of our country’s treasury, or at least what’s left of it.No one really cares about the people; everyone is just interested in making their own lives better. We kill, we destroy, and we hurt the feelings of other human’s, just to satisfy our hunger. Is this what we have been taught? Are these our moral and social ethics? Is this what our Religion has guided us to do? No it is totally against everything. But we are all too busy thinking about our wants and we forget that we are humans. We have figuratively turned into cannibals. If this keeps up, very rightly man himself will become the reason for the extinction of his own self!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Strategy to foster the sustainable growth in Hong Kongs retail trade Assignment

Strategy to foster the sustainable growth in Hong Kongs retail trade industry under the situation of soaring shop rents - Assignment Example was the leading causes while strategies like promotion of commercial spaces on vested lands and ceiling on rent prices can be the alternative measures. Retail trade has contributed towards employment and economic growth in Hong Kong. This study will be focused towards identifying various strategies to achieve sustainable growth in retail industry of Hong Kong during soaring shop rent situation. In this particular research paper, different factors will be outlined which has caused turmoil in Hong Kong’s retail sector. The value of retail sales has drastically decreased in recent years, approximately by 6.9% over previous year. It has been observed that sales value of certain products such as jewelry, clocks and valuable gifts, photographic equipment and electrical goods, and consumer durables has decreased by 28.2%, 15.3% and 23.9% respectively. Retail business operators in Hong Kong market are facing major challenges in present scenario in terms of retaining their market share and gaining high revenue margins. This problem has mainly occurred due to decrease in purchasing power of China’s mainland tourists and increas ed total costs in form of wages and shop rents. It is clearly evident that minimum wage legislation of Hong Kong Government and anti-corruption policies of Chinese government are policy variables. These external factors are not under control of retail operators. However these operators can adopt the best strategy for reducing shop rents so as to achieve sustainable growth in Hong Kong market. The retail trade sector is a vital component of utilities, transportation and trade supersector. This sector encompasses establishments in terms of engaging into retailing merchandise and rendering services in context of merchandise sale. Retailing process can be stated as final step in merchandise distribution. Retailers are generally organized to sell specific merchandise to general public in small quantities. There are two main categories of retailers

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Museum visit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Museum visit - Research Paper Example The admission fees to the museum are minimal, and members and children under the age of 3 are admitted without any cost. Individuals from ages 3-12 and 62 and older need to pay only $5.00 (USD) for entrance. Teenagers and adults from ages 13-61 need to pay $8.00 (USD) for entrance. The museum encourages the public to call for any inquires, and their contact number is (313) 494-5808. Even individuals with disabilities can easily access the various exhibition centers in the museum. Several ramps and elevators serve all public areas. There are wheelchairs available for visitors, and strollers can easily be accommodated in almost all areas. For the convenience of the visitors and ease of stay, the museum offers lockers for rent, complimentary coat racks, and an ATM at the ground level. There is also a small cafe where visitors can relax particularly with their quick snacks acquired from the vending machines. The cafe also serves visitors who opt to bring their own meals. There is also a secure and affordable metered parking right at the back of the museum. Museum Features The museum is a humongous collection of artifacts and archival materials that are all about the African American history. The exhibitions and learning opportunities cater to the interest and curiosity of individuals of all ages. First, the museum features tours such as And Still We Rise: Our Journey Through African American History and Culture, which is one of the core exhibitions of the museum, showcasing a journey in history from prehistoric Africa to the early civilizations. It shows a journey of slavery, resistance to bondage, emancipation, justice, and freedom. This can be experienced within the 22,000 square feet area of the museum. Second, there is a huge list of prestigious and respected names in the history of African Americans in bronze nameplates scattered around the terrazzo tile creation called the Ring of Genealogy. This exhibition is a 37-foot structure created by artist Hubert Mass ey. Third, there is an architectural wonder of 65 feet high glass dome. This glass dome --- called the Ford Freedom Rotunda --- with a diameter of 100 feet, is even slightly bigger than the State Capitol dome, and holds the Ring of Genealogy. A museum store is available and it offers real pieces of African American artworks, authentic books, and merchandise. There is also a library --- the Louise Lovett Wright Library --- and a research center --- Robert L. Hurst Research Center. There is also a place where 92 flags are prominently displayed and alphabetically arranged by origin and country. These are the regions where there is a considerable number of African descendant residents. Lectures, presentations, film showings, and even live performances are offered at the 317-seating capacity General Motors Theater. Exhibitions and Lectures The core exhibiton And Still We Rise: Our Journey Through African American History and Culture has more than 20 galleries that showcase the tragedies, triumphs, and efforts of all the men and women who fought for freedom from ancient times to modern civilizations. It is an amazing experience that allows individuals to travel through time and territorial boundaries to explore history. Africa is also two-fifths grassland or tropical savanna. The climate is a typical tropical wet and dry. Savannas are used to herding by nomads. Rainforest trees allow for cocoa growing. Grains and beans were abound even in ancient

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Variable pay strategy and program for an online retailer Research Paper

Variable pay strategy and program for an online retailer - Research Paper Example Variable pay can at times be long termed (more than a year) while at times it can be short termed (less than a year). Incentives refer to pre determined standards or criteria used in award determination. Bonuses on the other hand are wards delivered to the people concerned at the end of a certain period. The period on the case of bonuses is determined by the subject judgment of the quality of the performance while a reward is warranted (Variable Pay and Performance Linked Incentives, 2010). Strategy An effective variable pay program is as result of a strategic variable pay strategy, this strategy acts as a guideline for a quality design and program administration. A strategic program has the following characteristics: the clearly fit in the organizational structure and are steers of the organizations success. For a strategy to contribute to the success any organization, it must be in line with the mission and vision of the organization concerned. The speed of a strategy does not brin g about and importance because most likely it may be speeding to the wrong direction. A quality and strategic program should target to meet the objectives of the organization by lying down the require plans which if properly and rightfully administered, it would take the firm to another level. The strategy of the program should be also sound enough to bring about sustainability of the firm putting in consideration all the core strengths of the organization. It is also critical for a strategy to be in a specific context. It must bring out feasibility where it suits with the culture of the organization and that of the human resource, this must consider the organizational environment and realities that exists. Integration must also prevail where the structure of the program suits in the structure of the specific organization including the human resource’s structure. The program must also be flexible enough to respond to appropriateness and changes within an organization (Variabl e Pay Plan Development, 2011). There are differences between other compensations and variable pay, this differences occur on the bases of benefits and base pay. Variable pay program does not fit in entitlement cultures, this is because it’s not career annuity where base pay increase and must be compensated trough earnings over the given period. In reference to financial perspective, variable pay is a variable cost but the benefits and base pay are naturally fixed. There are difficulties in administering variable pay, competitive measurements is on of these difficulties. Levels of variable pay vary dramatically unlike levels of base pays, this helps in transforming average of the prevailing market into a broad-range, other than a specific point. One of the major characteristic of these variable pays is that it can be combined with other components to evaluate the performance of different levels in the organization both long term and long term (Variable Pay and Performance Link ed Incentives, 2010). The most significant benefits associated with variable pay compared to other types of compensations it that cost related to planning can be combined with performance/revenues and therefore vary economically. In Alaska, there is an advantage of using this kind of system because when the world’s economy is open to large variation, it carries with itself competitive advantage because the situation disadvantages them

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Oxaliplatin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Oxaliplatin - Essay Example This was developed following discovery of cisplatin in an attempt to reduce the problematic side effects of cisplatin. This is administered intravenously, and till date, no commercially viable orally active agent has been reported to be accepted for therapy3,4. Like cisplatin, oxaliplatin is also associated with quite a few dose-limiting adverse effects, which include myelosuppression along with others5. These are neurotoxic side effects that include sensory peripheral neuropathy which can be dose limiting. The other side effects include gastrointestinal disturbances and ototoxicity, while renal function may be normally monitored during therapy6. In this assignment contemporary literature will be reviewed to address the effects of oxaliplatin genotoxicity on human lymphocytes by using various cytogenetic techniques. Oxaliplatin contains a cyclohexyl and a pentadilactone ring, which will be evident from its chemical structure in a later section7. This has been approved for treatment of metastatic colon cancer in combination with 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid8. Therefore, this is a diaminocyclohexane (DACH) platinum compound9. This was considered as a probable chemotherapeutic agent since it demonstrated preclinical activities in some cisplatin-resistant cell lines and xenografts10. Oxaliplatin is an important member of this DACH platinum group of compounds. Its preclinical activity against colorectal cancer has been studied in great detail. It has been suggested that oxaliplatin has a greater extent of cell kill in resistant cancers since therapy with this agent may result in greater resistance to repair mechanisms leading to affected recovery of cancer cells11. This has been attributed to the size of the DACH carrier ligands, resulting into a bulkier platinum-DNA adduct in comparison to that created by cisplatin12. The inhibitory effects of platinum compounds have been ascribed to formation of inorganic platinum compounds in presence

Monday, September 9, 2019

What makes Canada an interesting country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What makes Canada an interesting country - Essay Example Located in North America, Canada boasts of 9.98 million square kilometers, making it the second largest country in the world with its borders touching three of the world’s largest oceans, the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans to the East, West and North respectively. Adding to the interesting facts surrounding its borders, the border between Canada and the United States (US) is the world’s longest land border. These among other facts about Canada make it one of the most interesting countries in the modern world. Canada began self-governance in 1867 and gained independence in 1931 following the enactment of the Statute of Westminster and therefore it is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Canada retained its ties with the British crown hence Queen Elizabeth II is Canada’s head of state in the modern day. This implies no elections for the head of state are held since the monarch is driven by heredity. The monarch then appoints a governor general, after a five year term, with advisory assistance from the prime minister. Canada’s parliament comprises of 105 senatorial seats, members appointed by governor general and 308 members from the House of Commons who are elected by the people on a four year term basis. Additionally, governor general appointees serve up to the age of 75 years. Similarly the chief justice and 8 other judges making the high court, are appointed by the prime minister and serve up to 75 up to the age of 75 years. However, there has been attempts to break fr om the British crown but to futility such as the 2014 referendum. Canada has a strong economy that can be attributed to its significantly many natural resources, trading activities and strong relations with the neighboring US. As a result, Canada is regarded a developed countries taking the eighth position in Human Development Index. Canada has a wide

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Children appear capable of using lexical information to resolve Essay

Children appear capable of using lexical information to resolve syntactic ambiguities, but their ability to use referential information is questionable. Discuss - Essay Example gely thought to have acquired the linguistic facts of their language, the focus of adult psycholinguistic research has been on how they process language as they hear or use it. On the other hand, the focus of child language research has been on the documentation of children’s knowledge states at various points in development; with very little emphasis on how they process their language. This appears to be an area needing further investigation as, logically, children need also apply a meaningful analysis to their inputs in order to learn language. That is, acquisition necessarily implies that parser. This paper examines the aspect of difficulties and limitations encountered by children in using referential information while they deploy with ease lexical information to resolve syntactic ambiguities. 5 The main emphasis of the Psycholinguistic research has been on comprehending as to how adults interpret language in real time. Several authors (Trueswell & Tanenhaus, 1991; Tanenhaus, Spivey-Knowlton, Eberhard & Sedivy, 1995;Altmann & Steedman, 1988; Britt, 1994) have uncovered ,within this domain of examination a complex and interactive language 6 processing system capable of swift and almost instantaneous coordination of linguistic characteristics of the message with contextual or scene specific information. Trueswell et al (1999) investigated the moment by moment language learning process in children using a technique that involved recording eye movements, done deploying a head-mounted eye-tracking system to monitor eye movements, as participants responded to spoken instructions. This research found that,† systematic differences in how children and adults process spoken language: Five Year Olds did not take into account relevant discourse/pragmatic principles when resolving temporary syntactic ambiguities, and showed little or no ability to revise initial parsing commitments. Adults showed sensitivity to these discourse constraints at the earliest

Essentials Mangement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Essentials Mangement - Essay Example â€Å"Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, they is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks† (Johann Gottfried Von Herder, n.d) Motivation is accepted as the driving force behind every human action and organizational principles; whether it is traditional or new, also give much importance to motivation in a business setup. Human actions are primarily for certain goals and anything which helps them to achieve these goals will motivate them. Organizations are spending a substantial period of time in researching about the possible methods or strategies which can motivate the employees. Traditional methods like the rewards and punishments are not enough at present and the employees are thinking something beyond that because of the changing culture, social norms and life styles. The question of a generalised theory of motivation is on card for long time and many business experts are divided in their opinions about the above issue. This paper crit ically analyses the possibility of a generalised theory of motivation at work place. From the above diagram it is clear that achievement, recognition, nature of work and responsibility are the key motivating factors whereas how the business is run, supervision, work conditions and pay scale are the main areas which can demoralize or prevent the workers from achieving job satisfaction. An employee will be definitely motivated, if his achievements are recognized and complemented by the organization. For example, a worker who completes a project efficiently, economically and before the schedule should be complemented by some rewards which will boost his energy for improving his productivity further and further. On the other hand, if the organization fails to respond such outstanding piece of works will definitely prevent the employees from making a conscious effort

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Creative Writing “Into the Darkness” Essay Example for Free

Creative Writing â€Å"Into the Darkness† Essay It had just turned night when Victoria heard the thunder roll in, and the lightening strike against the ground. This worried her for she was afraid of losing power. As the night grew on the storm worsened. Making sure she wasnt forgetting her laptop, Victoria made her way upstairs to the comforts of her bedroom. She decided this would be the perfect opportunity to take advantage of her time and watch the latest shows Netflix had to offer. Settling into her bed with her laptop in hand Victoria reached over to plug her charger in. Just as she did so, the power went out. Startled by the sudden darkness, she reached under her bed for her flashlight. Grasping her flashlight tightly, Victoria headed back downstairs to see what may have caused the power to go out. As Victoria went downstairs she noticed her porch door was ajar. Cautiously she approached the door and peered outside to see who or what may have opened the door. Nothing seemed to be around. Certain that the storm had simply blown out the power, Victoria poured herself a glass of hot chocolate and returned upstairs. Something seemed different to Victoria, but she was unsure of what exactly. Much to her dismay her beloved laptop was missing. Appalled by this discovery, Victoria quickly became worried that someone may be in the house with her. Using her survival instincts she quickly grabbed the flashlight and headed out into the hallway, if someone was in the house with her laptop, Victoria was determined to catch them and get her laptop back. Shaky and nervous she slowly peered out into the hallway, no one was to be found. Once at the stairs she swiftly tumbled down them, only missing a few steps at the bottom, but redeeming herself with style. The power had yet to return, and the only thing Victoria had with her was a flashlight. Determined she would catch the culprit and get her laptop back, she sprang across the room and swung the bathroom door open. Still she found no one. Next she opened the closet, then her office, and finally the last room she had left to check was the basement. Victoria clenched onto the flashlight and slowly turned the nob and entered the dark stairwell leading to the basement. Taking each step one at a time, until she got to the final one. When she glanced around the corner Victoria could see someone standing there. She couldn’t make out the face for it was too dark, and her flashlight was dimming by the second. Victoria slowly inched towards the dark figure, getting closer and closer, until finally she was close enough. Just as she reached out to grab onto the dark figure, she dropped the flashlight. All hopes of seeing who they were went away as soon as Victoria’s flashlight hit the floor. The dark figure quickly turned around tightly grasping the laptop. Victoria got struck in the face by her own laptop, and was knocked onto the ground. When she awoke the power had returned, and the storm had stopped. As Victoria got up off the floors she quickly glanced to around to see if anyone was around. There was nobody to be found, and her laptop was gone.

Friday, September 6, 2019

What is a myth Essay Example for Free

What is a myth Essay It is a traditional story based on ancient beliefs of different communities and having supernatural explanations of facts or natural phenomena. The mythical story is related to religious beliefs, for that reason, has a ritual character, ie presents invariable elements and is distinguished by its durability. The purpose of myth is not to entertain, as with the story, but to explain the meaning of life. So there are certain subjects such as the origin of man and the universe, which are treated in the myths of all cultures. The myth responds to a particular way of seeing the world and to explain the phenomena that exist in it. Unlike science, which gives rational and logical explanations to these phenomena, the myth gives explanations mà ³gicas and somewhat fantastic. For this reason, events occur absurd myths, magic solutions exist and appear fabulous characters. The fact that different communities have similar concerns led to the creation of myths about the same phenomena in different cultures. In the myth of Phaeton these aspects are reflected in the following manner: Phenomenon: The origin of deserts and of the black race. Made fantastic: Phaeton driving the chariot of the sun to prove its divine origin. Universality: The phenomenon, how it is explained and the characters are repeated with some different characteristics in myths of other communities. Classification of myths beind coded contents: Cosmogenic: explain the creation of the world. Theogonic: explain the origin of the gods.   Antropogà ³nicos: explain the appearance of man Etiological: explain political, religious and social. Morales: Explain ethical principles opposites like good and evil, angels and demons. Features According to Mircea Eliade, myth is a sacred story that chronicles an event that happened during primeval time, in which the world had not yet stood. The events of the periodically recurring nature are explained as a result of the events narrated in the myth (for example, in Greek mythology the cycle of seasons is explained from the abduction of Persephone). However, not all myths refer to a time first also can address occurring after the origin, but distinguished by their importance and the changes they brought. In the view of Claude Levi-Strauss, structuralist anthropologist, every myth has three characteristics: †¢ This is an existential question concerning the creation of the earth, death, birth and the like. †¢ consists of irreconcilable opposites: creation vs destruction, life against death, gods against men or good vs. evil. †¢ provides the reconciliation of these poles in order to avert our anguish. For its part, the anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski argued that no important aspect of life that is alien to the myth. Therefore, there are religious myths (such as the birth of the gods), politicians (such as the founding of Rome) or on particular issues (why corn became the main food of a people, as with the pre-Hispanic peoples of Mexico ). For Malinowski fundamental myths are narratives, while responding to the basic questions of human existence: reason to exist, because of what surrounds it, between otras.Malinowski also clarified that the myth of the order of beliefs and if it is an explanation, not a rational explanation, but cultural. Function of Myth Functions are multiple myths. However, in general, can accept three essential functions: explanatory and pragmatic meaning. The explanatory function refers to the myths explain, justify or develop the origin, purpose and because of some aspect of social or individual, for example, the Greek myth that tells how the world originated from Chaos or Genesis that says the birth of the woman from the rib of a man. The pragmatic function of myth implies that myths are the basis of certain social structures and actions as well, a myth can make a genealogical line and determine who can govern or not. With this feature, specify and justify myths why a situation is in a certain way and not another. The role of meaning refers to that myths are not just stories that provide explanations or political justifications also provide a comfort, calm life goal or individuals, so it is with myths that speak of death, suffering or victory therefore, the myths are stories away from the person, but function a s a handle existential, a motive, according to the American psychoanalyst, Rollo May. The three functions are usually combined steadily. Types of Myths We distinguish several kinds of myths: †¢ cosmogonic myths: attempt to explain the creation of the world. Are the most universally widespread and there is a greater amount. Often, lies the origin of the earth in a primordial ocean. Sometimes, a race of giants, like the Titans, plays a crucial role in this creation, in this case, such giants, which are usually demigods, are the first people on earth. †¢ Myths theogonic: tell the origin of the gods. For example, Athena comes armed from the head of Zeus. †¢ anthropogenic Myths: narrating the appearance of human beings, who can be created from any material, alive (a plant, an animal) or inert (dust, mud, clay, etc..). The gods taught to live on earth. Usually linked to the cosmogonic myths. †¢ Myths etiological explain the origin of beings, things, techniques and institutions. †¢ moral Myths: explain the existence of good and evil. †¢ Foundational Myths: tell how the cities were founded by the will of the gods. An example is the founding of Rome by two twins, Romulus and Remus, who were suckled by a she-wolf. †¢ Myths eschatological: announce the future, the end of the world. They still have wide audience. These myths include two major classes, depending on the element that causes the destruction of the world: water or fire. They are often linked to astrology. The imminent end is announced by a higher frequency of eclipses, earthquakes, and all sorts of natural disasters that terrorize humans. The classic example is the Apocalypse, considered as such by Bertrand Russell.1 Reading literal, allegorical and symbolic While myths appear to have been originally proposed as literally true stories, the dialectic between the worlds mythical explanation and philosophical and scientific development has favored non-literal readings of myth, according to which they should not be subject to belief, but interpretation. Thus the allegorical reading of myths, born in Greece in the Hellenistic period, proposes to interpret the gods as personifications of natural elements. This commitment finds its continuation in later theories, such as widespread in the nineteenth century by Max Mà ¼ller, whereby myths stories stem from misunderstood about the sun, which has been personified, becoming an anthropomorphic (the hero or sun god). Reading symbolic believes the myth contains accurate content, but not on what is apparently, but on the mental contents of its creators and users. Thus, the myth about a god instituted the week to create the world in seven days contains truthful about how society divided the time it was created and which divisions between the inanimate and the animate, the different types of animals and man etc.. Myths also contain useful guidelines for behavior: role models or avoid all known stories with which to relate individual experiences. Modern studies on the myth fall into three basic positions: †¢ the functionalist, developed by the anthropologist Malinowski examines what myths are used in everyday life (behavior reinforcement, argument from authority, etc.). †¢ structuralist, initiated by Levi-Strauss, examines the construction of myths locating contrary or complementary elements that appear in it and how they are related; †¢ the symbolism, which has classical references in Jung, Bachelard and Gilbert Durand, believes that the key element of the myth is a symbol, a tangible item but full of resonance or significance that refers to archetypal contents of the human psyche. (An example is the Child archetype Elder, contradictory figure who appears as a character in appearance or behavior longtime child-like Merlin or a baby or child who is capable of speaking and endowed with vast knowledge, typical of an old-the baby Jesus lecturing to doctors.) Difference between myth and other stories Often myth is often confused with other types of stories as tales, fables and legends. However, are not equal. There are several differences between myth and folk tale: while the stories are presented as fictions, myths are presented as true stories. Function also varies: the myth is essentially etiological (clear how they came to a certain situation, why the sea is salty or man is mortal, for example), while the values ​​transmitted folktale (better skill than strength, good always has its reward, the impostor is always open, etc..). In addition, the plot of the stories is usually simple, while myths are part of a complex, in which each story is connected with the other by recurrent characters, places, etc.. (So, for example, the story of Jason is related to myths about Heracles, as this is one of the Argonauts). The fables myths differ from the characters (those fables are animals human conduct the myths, gods, heroes and monsters) and by function (fables contain a moral message, which usually appears at the end collected of them as moral, while myths are etiological). As for the legends, are presented, as well as myths, like true stories and often have a causal role (used, for example, to explain how a lineage came to power, which underpins its political legitimacy), but Unlike myths, happening in real time, historic places recognized by the listener or reader, and often with real actors (cf. the legends of Charlemagne or El Cid). The same pattern may appear in a myth, a story or legend, depending on how you present the story (true or fictional) and what your role (etiological, educational, entertainment ). Thus, noted how the plot of the Oedipus myth reappears in the medieval legend of Judas Iscariot makes a murderer of his father who marries without knowing his mother.