Friday, July 19, 2019

The Different Types of Love Expressed by Pre-1914 Poets Essay -- Poetr

The Different Types of Love Expressed by Pre-1914 Poets These 3 poems are completely different to each other. Porphyria’s Lover is obsessive and violent love, How Do I Love Thee? Is more of an undying love and the poem Remember is more like truthful love. In this essay I’ll take each poem and in a sentence or two explain the type of love that each poem demonstrates. I’ll also use quotations to show each of my poems shows a different type of love. The poem Porphyria’s Lover portrays the type of love in a sexual and passionate way. In the poem Porphyria’s Lover a man is speaking about the woman he loves. The love portrayed in Porphyria’s Lover is different than in the other poems because in this poem the man kills the woman so he can take control over her forever this is demonstrated here, ‘I found a thing to do, and all her hair In one long yellow string I wound Three times her little throat around, And strangle her’ with this sentence the poet means that the man killed the woman so that he can take control over her forever. I think that the man killed the woman so that she could never fall in love with someone else and that the woman would do what the man wants. I don’t think that the poem suggests that relationships are loving because he still killed her if it was love he wouldn’t kill her. The poem Porphyria’s Lover is a perverse love poem because he killed her and he wanted her just for himself and to use her for sex. Also I don’t think that Porphyria’s Lover is a love poem at all because the poem is just telling us how much the man loved the woman and what he would do just so she would be with him forever the man even kills her so that he can control her so I don’t think it’s a love poem ... ...’s Lover, How Do I Love Thee? And Remember show a different way of love. I think that the poem with the most realistic interpretation is Remember because many people that love each other say, ‘Remember me when I am gone away’ and love each other when they live in different countries or when they are apart from each other. Each poem shows a different way of love. Porphyria’s Lover is a violent way of love and the writer is trying to show that how much the man does just for the woman to love him. In the poem How Do I Love Thee? The love is expressed that it’s undying, that nothing would stop their relationship. In the poem Remember the love is shown in a undying way aswell as if their relationship would never end. I think that both Remember and How Do I Love Thee? Are the same kinds of poems but Porphyria’s Lover is completely different to both of them.

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