Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Work Related Stress and Its Management - 5352 Words

Work-Related Stress and its Management Peter S. Carlson MGMT 305 Dr. Peter H. Antoniou December 6, 2012 Abstract This paper will discuss the topic of work-related stress and its management. It will present a general introduction or definition of stress and will discuss several subtopics related to work stress. This paper will present several subtopics including a model of stress known as the General Adaptation Syndrome, the causes of stress, the consequences of stress, and how to manage work-related stress. A solution for the problem of work-related stress will be presented. This paper will present a solution that entails how to cope with stress, and how to eliminate, or at least reduce, the amount of work-related stress. In general, this†¦show more content†¦However, if the stressor persists, then the individual will not be able to handle the stress for long. In this stage, the individual’s energy is being depleted. The third and final stage, Exhaustion, is when an individual’s level of resistance to the stressor decreases dramatically until it goes below the normal level. In this stage, an individual’s energy has run out and he or she is unable to maintain normal body functioning. If the stressor continues, long-term damage could occur to the person’s body. The body’s immune system is weakened which can result in being more prone to sickness. An alternative to the Exhaustion stage is the Recovery stage. This stage occurs when an individual is able to successfully cope with and overcome the stressor (Wikipedia, 2012). This paper will be specifically discussing and analyzing work-related stress. So, what is work-related stress? Work-related stress, also known as occupational stress, is stress related to the workplace. Work-related stress can occur in an individual when his or her workplace has a highly demanding environment or job and he or she does not have the ability to completely deal with the demanding workplace or complete the demanding job (Wikipedia, 2012). There are several other factors that can cause work-related stress which will be presented in this paper. Now that a definition and model of stress have been presented, this paper will focus on the causes of stress, known as stressors, as itShow MoreRelatedCore Activities Of An Office Administrator At Danlnia Furniture Ltd1529 Words   |  7 PagesOffice Adminis trator at Danlnia Furniture Ltd including; meetings management, information management, Reception duties and website management It will explain the role of organising, planning and co-ordinating in each one of the core activities. The developments in two working practices will be evaluated from the perspective of both an employer and an employee. 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