Thursday, August 27, 2020

Ball corporation Essay

1. How would you think a little edge for mistake influences correspondence on a task? I feel that it can influence the zero mistake edges. By not tuning in and giving close consideration to the data, space for blunder can happen. Additionally in the wake of realizing that there zero space for blunder the individuals dealing with the venture will give close consideration to any correspondence. 2. In what ways do you act another way in an up close and personal gathering than you do during a phone telephone call? I have not have the experience, however may I feel that the distinction would be that during a telephone call, the individual who is talking won't have the option to see and body articulation in this way believing all is well. In an eye to eye consider the individual that relates the data can see anyone that probably won't concur and inquire as to why they may feel along these lines. 3. For what reason is it composed correspondence basic in certain circumstances, (for example, passing on details), while oral correspondence is basic in others, (for example, innovation exchange moves)? Composed correspondence now and then is a need it’s like having a modeler and instructing the temporary worker. It will be very hard for the temporary worker, since he may realize where to begin; miscommunication and the modeler may have different activities. So it may be simpler to have the plans close by and the temporary worker can go over it a few times to guarantee the structure is going along to detail. The oral interchanges are simply straightforward choice that will be settled upon not so much giving any numbers since it will be more diligently to clarify in detail than having the arrangement in front. 4. What listening obstacles do you end up looking as you tune in to other people? How would you handle it when you accept somebody you’re addressing isn't hearing what you state? A few obstacles I end up confronting would be interruptions, for example, viewing the T.V. furthermore, having a discussion with the family a great deal of correspondence can be lost by attempting to tune in to both at the same time. I have discovered a few different ways to battle this issue, one that the content give is posing inquiries to check whether the crowd is tuning in. Another that I have gained from my manager were if there are individuals talking during a discourse he carries the consideration regarding the colleagues by requesting that everyone focus on them since I surmise there discussion is a higher priority than the data that is being given, he at that point continues back to the data. I have seen this one work a few times.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Helicopter Experiment: Speed of Fall

Helicopter Experiment: Speed of Fall Hend Darwish Research Question: At what speed will the helicopter fall by adding more paper clasps to its base (the base)? Factors: Autonomous Variable: Amount of paper cuts Subordinate Variable: Speed Consistent: Same Helicopter Same Timer Same tallness (2m) Speculation: My speculation is that the more paper cuts added to the base of the helicopter, the speed will increment. I think this will happen on the grounds that gravity will pull the helicopter down and the contrary power (air opposition), which is following up on the wings will get more fragile in light of the fact that the wings will crease upwards. This will make less for the air opposition follow up on which will make the speed increment. Strategy: For our helicopter lab, we originally estimated two meters on the divider so we have will drop the helicopter at a similar spot. At that point, Eliah will drop the helicopter and Holly will time to what extent it takes with the stopwatch. We rehashed this progression for three mores tests and with two, three, four, five and six paperclips connected to the base. At that point, we found the normal speed of every paperclip and recorded our outcomes into a diagram. To make our test a reasonable test, we ensured its a similar individual planning and dropping the helicopter. Additionally, we generally dropped the helicopter from two meters. For our wellbeing, we ensured that we are in an unfilled space so we dont catch anybody or the paper helicopter doesnt go on someones head. Likewise, we ensured that we are not close to any synthetic substances or flared Bunsen burner so when we get our helicopter, it wont burst into flames or be secured by any synthetic substances that could hurt us. Mechanical assembly: 1 Paper Helicopter Stopwatch 100cm ruler 6 paperclips Outline: Information Collection: Measure of Paper Clips on a Helicopter The measure of paper-cuts on the helicopter Time taken for the helicopter to fall a separation of two meters (s) Preliminary 1 Preliminary 2 Preliminary 3 Mean Speed (m/s) 1 1.38 1.68 1.31 1.45 1.38 2 1.22 1.40 1.19 1.27 1.57 3 1.13 1.40 1.30 1.27 1.57 4 1.16 1.0 1.09 1.05 1.9 5 .96 1.30 .84 1.03 1.94 6 .63 .53 .81 .65 3.08 Information Processing: Table of Amount of Paper Clips Affect the Average Speed of the Paper Helicopter The measure of paper-cuts on the helicopter Time taken for the helicopter to fall a separation of two meters (s) Preliminary 1 Preliminary 2 Preliminary 3 Mean Normal Speed (m/s) 1 1.38 1.68 1.31 1.45 1.38 2 1.22 1.40 1.19 1.27 1.57 3 1.13 1.40 1.30 1.27 1.57 4 1.16 1.0 1.09 1.05 1.9 5 .96 1.30 .84 1.03 1.94 6 .63 .53 .81 .65 3.08 To get the mean, you need to include the three preliminaries together at that point isolate it by three. For instance: 1.83 + 1.68 + 1.31 =4.37 4.37/3 = 1.45 To get the speed, you need to partition 2 by the mean of the three preliminaries. For instance: 2/1.45 = 1.38 2/1.27 = 1.57 Information Presentation: End: As indicated by our diagram our theory was right: The more paper cuts added to the base of our helicopter the more the speed will increment. Our information compares with the line of best fit truly well up until our last information point which was 6 paper cuts and was 3.08s. It is a lot higher than the various focuses, I think this one specific bit of information is questionable in light of the fact that it portion not relate to the remainder of the information just as the diagram. This might be on the grounds that our planning strategies when timing the last one was diverse then the remainder of our chart. To ensure this would be a precise test, we completed three preliminaries for each paper clip(s) and afterward determined the mean and speed. Assessment: Â Â â Our Method was solid and amazingly exact in light of the fact that for each measure of paper cut, we had three preliminaries so we could make a normal speed. Additionally, we utilized a similar individual for clock and the dropper of the paper helicopter. In the event that I could re-do the trial, I would have made the stature higher, for example, 3-4m so we could have increasingly precise readings.

China Department Stores Essays

China Department Stores Essays China Department Stores Essay China Department Stores Essay China Distribution Trading Issue 61 July 2009 Department stores in China, 2009 IN THIS ISSUE : I. Diagram II. Activity methods of retail establishments in China III. Improvements of market players IV. Difficulties V. Ongoing improvements VI. End 10 11 19 6 2 4 Overview Department stores in China have delighted in numerous long stretches of blast, accomplishing a compound yearly development pace of 30% somewhere in the range of 2003 and 2008. Deals force for retail chains has decayed towards the finish of 2008 as customer cut back on optional and extravagance spending; yet there are late indications of getting development. Activity methods of retail chains in China Department stores administrators in China create income from 1) commissions on concessionaire deals, 2) stock direct deals, 3) rental salary from store occupants, and 4) the executives charge and so forth. Commissions from concessionaire deals are the overwhelming wellspring of salary. Advancements of market players The serious scene for retail establishments in China is profoundly divided with no noteworthy market pioneer. Outside players will in general have more extensive national impressions and they essentially focus on the country’s high-salary class. Residential retail chains administrators for the most part center around provincial markets. Difficulties Department stores administrators in China are frequently supposed to be acting like proprietors †leasing floor space to concessionaires or occupants and giving little consideration to separation and brand the executives. Undifferentiated players have turned to value rivalry to support deals, harming companies’ same-store-deals development and dissolving their edges. Different configurations, for example, claim to fame stores and retail cannibalization are presenting extraordinary difficulties to retail chains. Ongoing advancements Lower-level urban areas are the development center. Retail establishment administrators center around redesigning and separation. There is developing regard for change promoting rehearses. Fare arranged producers give developing consideration to residential market brings new potential for retail establishment administrators to grow stock blend. Retail chains administrators are getting a handle on consideration in the capital market. Numerous retail establishments administrators have set out on land systems. Some retail establishments have investigated the â€Å"click-and-mortar† model. Government urges retail chains players to upgrade administration levels and improve activity condition through granting players with quality administrations. Li Fung Research Center 13/F, LiFung Center 2 On Ping Street Shatin, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2635 5563 Fax: (852) 2635 1598 E-mail: [emailprotected] com lifunggroup. com/Li Fung Research Center Member of the Li Fung Group China Distribution Trading Issue 61 July 2009 Department stores in China, 2009 Department stores have for quite some time been one of the significant r etailing directs in China; they are the central conveyance channel for optional utilization things, for example, marked attire, beauty care products, adornments and watches, and so forth. According to numerous Chinese buyers, shopping in retail chains speak to quality way of life and status. For quite a long time, numerous buyer brands have seen retail chains as their top-of-decision in building their acknowledgment in China. As Chinese customers become growingly well-to-do, retail establishments in China has delighted in long periods of quick advancement lately. Be that as it may, development energy of China’s retail chains deals has eased back towards the finish of 2008; hosed buyer spirits in the midst of worldwide monetary emergency, progressively savage rivalry and youthful administration mentalities all posture difficulties to China’s retail establishments administrators. These have provoked retail chains administrators in China to develop to remain serious. In the course of recent months in 2009, as China’s economy starts to exhibit balanced out development, deals force of retail establishments has gotten once more. We accept, long haul prospect for retail chain division in China is ruddy, as utilization assumes a greater job in the Chinese economy. I. Outline Department stores1 have been one of the most significant retail diverts in China with a set up history longer than other retailing channels, for example, grocery stores, hypermarkets, comfort stores and shopping centers. They are a significant deals channel for optional utilization things, for example, marked clothing, adornments, beauty care products and watches, and so forth, a significant number of them focusing on the country’s higher-pay gatherings. On account of the expanding prosperity and urbanization, retail chains in China have delighted in numerous long periods of blast. As indicated by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS), the complete deals estimation of retail establishments was 180. 1 billion yuan in 2007; the 2008 entire year deals esteem is yet discharged however the China Chain Store and Franchise Association (CCFA) and Deloitte gauge the incentive to arrive at 219. billion yuan, speaking to a compound yearly development pace of 30% somewhere in the range of 2003 and 2008 (see Exhibit 1). Display 1: Total deals estimation of retail establishments, 2003 2008 * Estimated an incentive by Deloitte Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Chain Store and F ranchise Association and Deloitte 1 Department stores will be stores with deals territory somewhere in the range of 6,000 and 20,000 m2, as a rule multi-story, selling wide scope of stocks with accentuation on apparel and embellishments, footwear, beauty care products, family unit things and home machines and so on. Unique counters and open racks are the central deals groups. Li Fung Research Center Member of the Li Fung Group 2 China Distribution Trading Issue 61 July 2009 However, retail chain area has seen a few difficulties over the previous year. In the midst of the worldwide money related emergency, retail deals development in China has decelerated towards the finish of 2008 and deals of optional things are all the more contrarily affected. As per the CCFA, optional and extravagance retailers were feeling the squeeze than earlier years. Deals force for retail establishments has weakened as customers cut back on optional and extravagance spending. Show 2 exhibits the key insights of various configuration retailers. As will be seen, every day exchanges for retail establishments have enrolled negative development of 5. 2% in 2008; the decrease is the second greatest among different configurations. Normal ticket utilization additionally recorded moderate development of just 1. 5% in 2008. In 1Q09, as indicated by CCFA and Deloitte, the two deals income and benefit for retail chains was somewhere around about 5% yoy. Show 2: Key measurements of various arrangement retailers, 2008 Sales income (million Retail design Hypermarkets Supermarkets Department stores Convenience stores Home hardware retailers Pharmacies 501. 64 37. 06 2. 0 7. 1 729 1,724 - 7. 8 - 3. 8 1,901. 0 48. 2. 3 1. 3 10. 8 23. 1. 0 - 0. 7 yuan) 212. 90 72. 42 883. 97 4. 73 yoy development (%) 12. 4 11. 3 11. 1 12. 3 Number of Daily exchanges 10,059 4,554 10,839 758 yoy development (%) 1. 0 6. 5 - 5. 2 - 2. 7 Average ticket utilization (yuan) 58. 1 43. 6 226. 4 16. 2 yoy development (%) 11. 6 4. 5 1. 5 11. 1 Gross edge (%) 12. 9 12. 9 14. 1 16. 4 yoy development (%) 0. 3 0. 9 0. 3 0. 0 Source: China Chain Store and Franchise Association and Deloitte The China Commerce Association for General Merchandise (CCAGM) led an examination concentrate on 60 significant retail chains administrators in China; in 2008, normal deals income of significant retail chains administrators in China was up by 15. % yoy to 183. 74 billion yuan; the development was lower than that of 2007 (17. 8%). 86. 7% of the retail chains recorded deals development in 2008. The CCAGM additionally studied 205 of its part ventures prior and Exhibit 3 shows a few deals measurements of its part endeavors in the retail chain area. Show 3: Performance of the 205 enrollment endeavors of CCAGM, 2002 2007 Sales pay development (% yoy) Sales edge (%) Sales edge development (% yoy) 17. 8. 5 21. 7 2006 13. 7 8. 4 19. 5 2005 18. 0 7. 4 10. 1 2004 12. 7 8. 9. 9 2003 42. 9 7. 7 26. 0 2002 10. 8. 2 4. 1 Source: China Commerce Association for General Merchandise (CCAGM) Li Fung Research Center Member of the Li Fung Group 3 China Distribution Trading Issue 61 July 2009 Despite less fortunate deals execution toward the finish of a year ago, development force of retail chains in China is giving some ongoing indications of getting. With gigantic government activities to help local utilization, the complete retail deals of shopper merchandise developed by 15. 0% in the primary portion of 2009, as indicated by the NBS. Shopper trust in China is getting also. Retail establishments in China have without a doubt profited by China’s flexible retail deals development; specialists accept that development in second 50% of 2009 will be considerably more grounded. II. Activity methods of retail establishments in China Compared with numerous retail establishments administrators in created economies, which give colossal consideration to separation and brand-building, retail chains administrators in China are frequently supposed to be acting like landowners †leasing their floor space to concessionaires or occupants and giving little consideration o separation. Retail establishments administrators in China produce income from 1) commissions on concessionaire deals, 2) stock direct deals, 3) rental salary from store inhabitants, and 4) the board expense and so forth; and commissions from concessionaire deals are the overwhelming wellspring of pay. For example, over 70% of the income of Hong Kong-reco rded retail chains administrators, for example, Intime Department Store ( (see Exhibit 4). Show 4: Revenue breakdown of retail establishment activities from chose organizations, 2008 New World Intime Commissions from concessionaire deals Sale of merchandise direct deal Rental salary Managem

Friday, August 21, 2020

Substance Abuse Essays - Psychiatric Diagnosis, Substance Dependence

Substance Abuse Foundation PAPER ON Initiative AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE 1. What is substance misuse? Despite the fact that you may never need to manage issues, for example, substance misuse, you should be readied and educated should this sort of issue present itself to you. The data in this paper will acclimate you with the definition, recognizable proof, initiative and family inclusion concerning substance misuse. How about we start with the definition. 2. As indicated by Air Force Pamphlet 36-2241, The Professional Fitness Study Guide, sedate maltreatment is characterized as the unjust, unlawful, or illegal utilization of a controlled substance, remedy, and over-the counter drug. It likewise incorporates the ownership, dissemination, or presentation of any controlled substance onto an army base. Individuals from the Air Force are additionally denied from having, selling, or utilizing drug gear. Aviation based armed forces strategy is to forestall tranquilize maltreatment among its work force. (AFPAM 36-2241: 182). The Air Force has zero resistance on sedate maltreatment. 3. The Air Force characterizes liquor addiction as a preventable, dynamic, treatable, and noncompensable malady that influences the whole family. Liquor misuse has negative effects on open conduct, obligation execution, and additionally physical and emotional wellness. Aviation based armed forces approach is to forestall liquor misuse and liquor addiction among its individuals and their families. (AFPAM 36-2241: 183). Aviation based armed forces individuals should consistently keep up principles of conduct, execution, and order. This leads us to distinguishing substance abusers. TSgt Watts/G13/NCOA/akw/16 Oct 00 4. We should have a methods for distinguishing administration individuals encountering issues with their substance use. One strategy is the capture, worry, or examination of a part driving impaired (DUI) of medications or liquor. Another technique is through medication testing. The Drug Abuse Testing Program is best as an impediment, when utilized appropriately. All military faculty are liable to testing paying little heed to review, status, or position. Military individuals are requested or willfully agree to give pee tests whenever. (AFPAM 36-2241: 184). Being in the Air Force for a long time, I have been arbitrarily chosen for sedate testing too much. Since I am a pioneer it's more clear to me why this program is so significant. 5. As a parent, chief, or manager, there are signs and indications of substance maltreatment to search for. These signs and side effects, as per the book, Drugs and Alcohol in America can comprise of fierce conduct, memory misfortune, disintegrating obligation execution, sensational emotional episodes, and unforeseen or visit unlucky deficiencies just to give some examples. (Medications and Alcohol in America: Crisis or Hysteria?: 62). The Air Force supports work force with substance misuse issues to look for help. Under self-ID, a part's willful accommodation to an Air Force treatment program and self uncovered proof of earlier medication use may not be utilized against the part in disciplinary activity under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Regardless of whether self unveiled or not, it's up to us as guardians and directors to get individuals the consideration and treatment they so urgently need. 6. The Air Force's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) program is intended to advance preparation and wellbeing and health. It gives instruction 2. also, treatment to people who experience issues credited to substance misuse and return them to unlimited obligation status or help them in their change to regular citizen life. As pioneers, it is our job to distinguish subordinates with issues early and to inspire them to look for and acknowledge help. 7. As a boss, you are not entrusted to be a diagnostician, yet you are accused of standing up to inadmissible execution and conduct. Authority has a significant part in the distinguishing proof, treatment, and generally the board of substance abusers. Indicating real and individual worry for the government assistance of your subordinates is one of the most significant duties you have as a manager. Administrators and managers ought to tell and bend over backward to include relatives during the assessment procedure and at the hour of passage into a program. 8. Taking everything into account, we've talked about the definition and ID of substance misuse. We likewise discussed the significance of administration and relative's job. Recollect dealing with substance issues is one of your obligations as a pioneer, director, and NCO. Overlooking the issue in trusts it will leave will just aggravate the issue for the individual in question, the association, and eventually for the

Eating Disorders in Transgender People

Eating Disorders in Transgender People Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention Print Eating Disorders in Transgender People By Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS facebook twitter linkedin Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, is a certified eating disorders expert and clinical psychologist who provides cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on February 25, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 11, 2019 Nick David / Getty Images More in Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis Eating disorders have historically been believed to primarily afflict heterosexual, affluent, cisgender, thin, white females. This inaccurate stereotype decreases the likelihood that people with eating disorders who are homosexual, queer, poor, people of color, larger-bodied, or transgender will be diagnosed and receive adequate treatment. In particular, transgender people represent an understudied and under-recognized group that experience eating disorders at higher rates.  Eating disorder research is already underfunded, which means that there is an even greater disparity in research about transgender people with eating disorders. Defining Transgender The term transgender is used to define people who identify as a different gender than the gender they were assigned at birth. The term cisgender is used to describe people whose gender identity matches the gender they were assigned at birth. The transgender umbrella can include people who identify as a different binary gender from that which they were assigned at birth: female-to-male (FTM) transgender men and male-to-female (MTF) transgender women. The term also includes people who do not identify with a binary gender (male or female) and instead identify as nonbinary, agender, genderqueer, or gender-expansive. There is tremendous diversity within the transgender community. One problem in mental health research on transgender individuals is that the few studies that exist tend to collapse all this diversity into a single category. Studies also lump transgender people together with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and queer individuals, all people who have a non-dominant systemic sexual orientation. This causes confusion because gender identity and sexual orientation are different. Transgender people can have any sexual orientation, including heterosexual.   Eating Disorder Prevalence Most research on eating disorders and disordered eating has focused on cisgender female individuals, with little research available on transgender populations. The most comprehensive study to date on eating disorders among transgender people found that transgender college students reported experiencing disordered eating at approximately four times the rate of their cisgender classmates. Transgender students self-reported higher rates of an eating disorder diagnosis as well as higher rates of using compensatory behaviors such as diet pills, vomiting, and laxatives. They experienced these symptoms at even higher rates than heterosexual cisgender women, who are often thought to be the population most affected by eating disorders. In one study, the prevalence of self-reported eating disorders among transgender individuals was 7.4 percent. What Is Body Dissatisfaction? Body dissatisfactionâ€"the negative evaluation of one’s appearanceâ€"is considered a risk factor for mental health issues in general and is thought to be experienced by both trans people and those with an eating disorder. Research shows that body dissatisfaction and poor body image can lead to chronic depression, social anxiety disorder, substance use, and other mental health issues. What Is Gender Dysphoria? Gender dysphoria is a feeling of distress emanating from the disparity between one’s physical appearance and one’s gender identity. Individuals suffering from gender dysphoria do not see their bodies as they want them to be.  Or, they experience that society does not see their bodies as they themselves see their bodiesâ€"in either case, the disparity stems solely from their gender. This experience can be reinforced by daily encounters due to dominant societal gender expectations. Many, but not all, trans individuals experience gender dysphoria. Research indicates that body dissatisfaction may be experienced in relation to specific body parts. Just as the cultural ideals of gender and beauty are unattainable for most cisgender males and females, they are even more unattainable for many transgender people. Transgender people may become more focused on beauty ideals because they anticipate they might be accepted as their gender if they can meet them.   We know that the popularized beauty and gender standards play a role in diet culture and contribute to dieting, which in turn, can lead to disordered eating and eating disorders. However, its important to remember that eating disorders are complex; societal standards are not the full cause. The Link Between Gender Dysphoria and Eating Disorders Gender dysphoria and body dissatisfaction in transgender individuals is often cited as a key link to eating disorders. It is often hypothesized and reported that transgender individuals may attempt to suppress features of their assigned sex. Or they may try to accentuate features of their gender identity specifically to present gender identity in ways that are understandable to the world around them. For example, trans male individuals may attempt to stunt breast growth, reduce hips, or eliminate menstruation by restricting caloric intake. Trans female individuals may engage in disordered eating to accentuate their femininity and to increase their ability to be perceived as cisgender women. Non-binary people may restrict their eating to appear thin, consistent with the common stereotype of androgynous people in popular culture. As with any population, however, it is dangerous to generalize. We know that eating disorders are complex and stem from a combination of factors. While some transgender people with eating disorders may attempt to change their bodies to conform to their gender identity, others may feel that their eating disorder is not related to their physical body. Among both transgender and cisgender people with eating disorders, not all of them report a connection between body image and their eating disorder. Interestingly, gender non-conforming individuals assigned female at birth appear to have heightened eating disorder symptoms compared to transgender individuals assigned male at birth. This alludes to the cost one must pay for being socialized female.   Oppression-Based Trauma Eating disorders among transgender individuals may be related to discrimination and bias experienced by those whose physical features are not consistent with societal expectations for people of a particular gender. Researcher Elizabeth Diemer and colleagues emphasize the role of minority stress, which is defined as the excess stress experienced by individuals in stigmatized social categories as a result of their social position. Marginalized individuals including trans individuals experience higher rates of discrimination, violence, pressure from concealing one’s true identity, alienation, and internalized social stigma. Marginalized individuals, as a result of these experiences, often have decreased economic resources as well as worsened physical and mental health. Trans individuals face high rates of homelessness and poverty, and they are even more likely to be homeless or to live in poverty if they are transfeminine, a person of color, or a member of multiple non-dominant systemic identities. It appears that a big reason for the homelessness and poverty is that many trans people lack support from their families. One potential way in which stigma impacts health among transgender people is the use of coping such as disordered eating to manage stressors. Given the real threats they face on a daily basis, relying on disordered eating can be a sign of strength. Research has shown that transgender people who conform less to traditional gender appearances experience more mistreatment and worse health than transgender people who conform more. Treatment for Eating Disorders Both transgender populations and people with eating disorders have elevated rates of suicide, which means the combination of transgender identity and disordered eating must be taken very seriously. There are no specific treatments for transgender people with eating disorders. Furthermore, many eating disorder therapists lack training in working with transgender people and many therapists who treat transgender people may not be specialists in eating disorders. Find Treatment With the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs Less Access Transgender people and people with eating disorders each are subject to prejudiceâ€"the combination of the two increases the stigma. As a result, many may be reluctant to disclose their gender identity, their eating disorder, or both. Many transgender people report receiving inadequate care from health professionals. Due to their often limited resources resulting from discrimination and lack of community and family, they may be less likely to have access to health insurance and treatment. Stigmas When they do receive treatment, they may experience disregard for their gender identity which can include being misgendered, and professionals may assume their primary objective is a  surgical transition without an understanding of gender-affirming care. The body discomfort of transgender people with eating disorders is complex and may not be successfully addressed by the same body image interventions designed with cisgender patients in mind. These interventions that focus on accepting aspects of their body may be experienced as invalidating. Historically, many eating disorder treatment centers have organized along binary gender lines, providing treatment only to females or offering a separate track for malesâ€"those who are gender non-conforming are left out or lumped in with the group that is their sex assigned at birth (which is not affirming). Gender-Affirming Treatment Many transgender people are helped by medical interventions aimed at affirming their gender identity. Measures to achieve the desired masculinization or feminization include administration of hormone therapy, hair removal, and/or surgical interventions (including surgical change of the genitalia and other sex characteristics). Hormone Therapy Hormone therapy may include estrogens and antiandrogens for trans women and testosterone for trans men. Transfeminine individuals who take estrogen and antiandrogens may experience decreased facial hair growth, an increase in fat deposits around the hips and buttocks, breast growth, and reduced muscle mass, which accentuates a more feminine appearance. Transmasculine individuals who take testosterone can experience a redistribution of fat, increased muscle mass, and a deepened voice, which promotes a more culturally masculine appearance. Surgical Options Non-binary and gender-nonconforming people ideally should have access to gender-affirming care as well. Surgical interventions may include breast augmentation, tracheal shave, orchiectomy, and/or vaginoplasty for trans feminine individuals and chest removal, body contouring, hysterectomy, and phalloplasty for trans masculine individuals. Historically, individuals seeking these interventions receive hormone treatment prior to surgery, although not all individuals follow this sequence. Further, there are many barriers (including the cost) that prevent trans individuals from obtaining gender-affirming treatments. Many trans individuals do not undergo all surgically available optionsâ€"though, in the past, these options were presumed to be the endpoint of the trans experience. Research shows that both hormone therapy and gender affirmation surgeries can decrease the level of overall body dissatisfaction and/or increase body satisfaction. Not surprisingly, having a physical body that is more closely aligned with one’s gender identity can relieve distress. It can also increase one’s confidence in “passing” or blending in with cisgender people. This is a goal for some trans people and is offensive to others. Research shows that hormone therapy and gender-affirming treatments result in lower levels of depression and anxiety as well as eating disorders. In Summary Treatment for transgender people with eating disorders should address the complexity of their identities without assuming the  causes of the eating disorder. It should also leave room for them to pursue medical treatments aimed to alter their bodies versus focusing only on body acceptance. Transgender individuals are best served by a comprehensive team that includes mental health professionals specialized in eating disorders as well as gender-affirming care.     Resources There are a number of blogs and organizations that are continuing the conversation about eating disorders in the trans community. Trans Folx Fighting EDs is a collective of trans/gender diverse people and allies who believe eating disorders in marginalized communities are social justice issues.Thirdwheeled is a blog by a queer couple that explores gender identity and its relation to eating disorders  Resilient Fat Goddess is a queer, fat, trans body liberation project that promotes eating disorder awareness, identity affirmation, and fat liberation.  Nutrition Therapy For All on Instagram  focuses on nutrition therapy centered around trans and other marginalized communities.The Body Is Not An Apology  is an online  international movement committed to cultivating global radical self-love and body empowerment for all bodies.Lets Queer Things Up  is a personal blog exploring queer/trans identity  and mental health.   Leading Eating Disorder Organizations