Friday, November 1, 2019

Explain the nature and implications of one of the challenges in Research Paper

Explain the nature and implications of one of the challenges in managing the global workforce - Research Paper Example People pertaining to different areas tend to reflect certain behavioural attributes that bear linkages to their social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Perception level of the people starts differing from each other in relation to their beliefs, attitudes towards events or issues and also owing to religious and linguistic differences. Social or cultural dogmas emerge among the people owing to differences in their styles of communication or the differences relating to their lifestyles. Thus herein the confluence of diverse cultural groups within an organisational setting tends to render a challenging task for the manager to confront with. Organisations working along international boundaries embracing people from different cultural and social backgrounds thus need to enhance their way of understanding and incorporating of such to earn due effectiveness. One significant challenge imposed by the existence of cross-cultural people in organisations relates to the problem of communication. Failure of understanding of different languages and styles of communication tends to create a challenge behind effective modes of interaction among organisational people. Similarly another significant challenge owes to the differences in traits reflected by the people pertaining to decision-making and interaction styles. Examples can be cited relating to cases of British personnel declining to share their personal matters with colleagues and managers. Likewise again interaction and decision-making styles also tend to significantly differ between American and Japanese personnel. These types of behavioural and cultural differences tend to create ethnic barriers within the organisation (Bhatia, 2009, p.269-270). In addition to the above challenges organisations now-a-days tend to encompass people pertaining to different educational, age and sexual backgrounds. Inclusion of people pertaining to different age groups and sexual orientations tend to enhance the challenges relating to the management of organisational workforce in global concerns. Moreover introduction of new policies relating to work-time flexibility has also led to the development of new cultures helping people to work in a home-office environment. This process of rendering work-time flexibility creates new organisational challenges for the human resource managers in terms of enhancing their administrative focus. Modern business organisation policies tend to gain inclusion of such diverse workgroups along different organisational levels that thereby amounts to the cultivation of a new system of workforce management. Failure to device organisational policies focusing on inclusion of such culturally diverse workforce tends to contribute to the enhancement of ambiguity and confusion in the concern. Managers working in such diverse cultural settings are required to largely empathise with the different feelings reflected by the different cultural groups thereby encouraging them to work in a productive an d creative fashion within the company. Challenges faced by human resource ma

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