Sunday, November 17, 2019

Social Learning Theory Essay Example for Free

Social Learning Theory Essay Key Figures: Montgomery, Rotter and Bandura Key Concepts: Individuals learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and effects of those behaviors. Explanation of Disorder Personality: overly aggressive individuals (i.e. serial killers) Validity: When individuals observe others engaging in certain behaviors, it does not necessarily mean that they are learning that behavior. People need a good reason to want to learn behaviors through observation. Comprehensiveness: Social learning theory derived from Montgomery’s proposal that social learning occurred in 4 stages: imitation, close contact, understanding of concepts and role model behavior Applicability: This theory is used in television and movie rating systems that in the United States. It informs parents on what their children are watching and the type of content in this medium. The rating system is based on age suitable material to assist parents in deciding if certain content is appropriate for children. It can also be applied through guided class participation seen in schools all across the United States as well as all over the world. Cultural Utility: Guided participation Trait Theory: Key Figures: Allport and Cattell Key Concepts of Personality Formation: The trait theory implies that people personalities are composed of wide temperaments. It focuses on the differences between individuals. Explanation of Disorder Personality: Traits alone do not necessarily determine psychopathologies such as antisocial behavior or bipolar disorder. There are other factors to consider. Validity: If a child is born with a trait for a certain personality characteristic such as shyness it does not necessarily mean they will be shy adults. It would also depend on things such as parental interactions, cultural encouragement and cognitive awareness. Comprehensiveness: In 1936 Allport categorized personality traits into three levels: 1) Cardinal traits, 2) Central Traits and 3) Secondary Traits Applicability: Cattell condensed the number of personality traits from Allports preliminary list of over four thousand down to one hundred seventy one. He then rated a large number of individuals for these one hundred seventy one different traits. Then he started using a factor analysis which is a statistical technique and ultimately reduced his list to 16. Cattell believed that these traits are the basis of all human’s personality. This is one of the most commonly used personality assessments. Cultural Utility: In certain cultures men and women are encouraged to express certain personality traits over others. For example in some cultures men are discouraged from showing vulnerability and encouraged to show more aggressiveness. Women are generally less encouraged to be aggressive.

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