Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bachelor of Social Work for Education- myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theBachelor of Social Work for Education. Answer: Lenette, C., Ingamells, A. (2015). Mind the Gap! The growing chasm between funding-driven agencies, and social and community knowledge and practice. Community Development Journal, 50(1), 88-103. Reading 1: The significant messages which can be explored in the reading refer to the concerns for equality of social status for single women and the layered involvement of community of migrants in a different society. The inclusion of migrants in Australian community and the factors responsible for the same Other crucial messages that can be highlighted in the reading refer to the role of education and the interests of migrants to learn foreign language as influences on the involvement of migrants in the foreign society. Education is a source of empowerment and facilitates a sense of self-esteem to every individual thereby catering the insufficiencies observed in adapting to the foreign culture. The reading is vested in the context of Australia where migrants from Sudan have to find opportunities for including themselves in the Australian society. The practice context also refers to the issues that are evidently observed in case of the migrants. Not only do the Sudanese migrants have to face pitfalls of social exclusion, they are also likely to describe different behaviour towards individuals from their own cultural background. The issues perceived by the author working with reference to the concerned community of single women include the limitations of bias from other members of the community and concerns for establishing new relations with the wider Australian community as well as reconnecting with their own community. The critical challenges that could be identified in context of community practice as observed in the reading refer to the provision of uniform access to all sections of the migrant society for accessing education and other public utilities. The three layered integration of migrants in the Australian society. The resettlement of migrants in the Australian society is also characterized by the profound issue of the inclusion of the migrants in community and social services, political participation, organizational involvement and labour. The reduction in community development practice that can be noted in Australia also accounts for another critical challenge to the inclusion of migrants in the host community. The profound challenge for my thinking of community practice would be directed towards the coordinated association of new settlers and the host community alongside ensuring that the relations are sustained. The author has explained the significance of the sustainability of human services approach in facilitating credible outcomes from the resettlement processes. Furthermore, the author illustrates the challenges in existing community practices in Australian society for resettlement of migrants such as the lack of substantial community development initiatives. The impact of the existing community practices is largely limited to the social fields while expressing considerable pitfalls in terms of managerial perspective especially in terms of provision of empowerment and social justice. The questions which could be derived from reflection on the concerned reading in context of community practice could be presented as follows. What is the contribution of migrants with previous connections in the Australian community towards resettlement of other migrants from their community? What is the possibility of conflicts between Australian culture and the native culture of the individual migrants? What are the possible initiatives apart from education and employment in community practices for flexible inclusion of single women in the host community alongside limiting the gaps among the same community? Reading 2: Dubais on Country Camp The key messages highlighted by the author in the concerned reading are directed towards the impact of integrating community development principles in majority of urban projects and the rejuvenation of indigenous communities. The local indigenous communities are subject to the lack of advocacy thereby facing considerable issues such as ill health, poverty, over policing and over representation of the indigenous communities. The existing community practices and their impact on the engagement of the indigenous communities in the social framework have also been identified comprehensively as key messages of the author in the reading. Furthermore, the author also emphasizes on the inclination of the indigenous communities to restore the native cultural fabric of the community. The context of the practice could be first identified on the grounds of the place where it is observed and in the case of this reading, the location is vested in Nimbin, a township located on the eastern edge of the country of Widjabul people of Bundjalung nation. The people that can be observed in context of the community practice in the reading refer to the Widjabul people that have been traditional inhabitants of the location. The issues that were raised by the author regarding the community practices with the Widjabul people include the marginalization as well as paternal behaviour experienced by them from other people in the community. Provision of notable highlights into the requirement of funding and resources tailored to the local indigenous communities could also be observed as issues in the community practices. The critical challenges that are perceived in context of community practice as explored in the reading refer to the marginal behaviour for indigenous communities. The determination of feasibility of the strategy followed in the community practice also serves as a critical challenge in case of the concerned reading. It could also be observed that the lack of basic information pertaining to requirements, accessible funding and suspension of activity are profound challenges for the community practice initiatives suggested for Nimbin community. Another critical challenge that can be noticed from the concerned reading refers to the moderation of control on community development projects and coordinating the roles of indigenous community members effectively. The author is informing the significant nature of acquiring efficient community development outcomes through a precise identification of social issues and transforming ideas into action. The role of external agencies in community development initiatives could be considered limited to the provision of funding, resources and necessary support for the initial stages of the resettlement procedure. The role of the concerns among the indigenous communities to revitalize native culture in promoting community development can also be identified as one of the profound ideas communicated by the author. The three questions which could be presented from the inferences of the concerned reading include the following. How do the concerns of personal breakthroughs of project managers in community development initiatives influence the outcomes? What are the differences of outcomes of separate gender involvement in community development initiatives in Nimbin community? What are the prospects of sustainability of community development projects in absence of external monitoring and control in the Nimbin community? Reading 3: Steinem, G. (1993). A book of self-esteem: Revolution from within. Boston: Little, Brown, Company. Reading 3 The key messages that are highlighted by the author in the concerned reading refer to the profound concerns of gender inequality in India, the initial stages of the development of women engaged in hard physical labour and the approaches for garnering back ones self-identity. The gender inequality concerns in India are profoundly observed in the treatment of women workers that are self-employed in several occupations such as collecting waste from offices and garbage dumps, selling vegetables in street and construction workers. The mortality rate for girls in India is higher as compared to the other gender with the majority of saving of costs and resources are intended for the health of boys. The concerns of minimal literacy rate among girls could also be identified as a profound pitfall for enabling women to value themselves in the society. The context of the reading is observed in the location i.e. Ahmadabad and the involved people refer to the members of the SEWA foundation which stands for Self-Employed Womens Association. The issues or challenges that can be perceived in the context refer to the anticipation of flexible opportunities to determine the rehabilitation of the requirements of women employed in hard physical labour. Another prominent issue that is encountered in the context refers to the limitations on women for saving their hard earned money from husbands that perceive their wives earning as their own. The critical challenges that can be noted in the case of the concerned reading are vested in the requisites for identification of the pitfalls for the women from their perspective and the protection from unauthorized bribes demanded by police officers and employers. The issues of higher interest rates imposed by the employers on smaller amounts of loans could also be accounted as one of the critical challenges affecting the improvement of standards of the women employed in hard physical labour and self employed women. The inclusion of a wider base of self-employed women in the community development practices ensured by SEWA is also subject to the limitations of education among women. The author has aimed to describe the impact of women empowerment from the grass root level on the economic and social development of women employed in self-employment, hard physical labour or the potential of women to establish entrepreneurial establishments. The author has also emphasized profoundly on the model of self help and economic empowerment that can be accessed by women of the country through agencies such as SEWA. The other highlights of the report are noticeably directed towards the significance of self-esteem and its relevance to the gender related disparities observed in the Indian society. The emerging questions which could be drawn from the inferences of the concerned reading can be illustrated as follows. Which is the most significant factor responsible for the uplifting of women employed in hard physical labour or self employed women amongst higher wages, security of workplace or welfare of children? How could the measures of SEWA for preventing corruption of police and employers be monitored effectively for sustainable development of self employed women? How does mutual support contribute to the overall community development in context of SEWA and the welfare of its members?

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