Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Internet Is A Double Edge Sword - 1364 Words

The Internet is the most used source to gather information from, it is a very good place to find information about almost anything in the world. Within the past decade, the Internet has grown a lot and more people than ever have access to the Internet. With that being said, it will be naà ¯ve to think that everything on the Internet is true or that everyone that posts things on the Internet has good intentions. The Internet is a double-edge sword, it has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages the Internet has are that it gives us information in an instant, there is no need to go to the library or read newspapers. It can give us great information about what we are interested in and give us a new insight on different things. Some of the disadvantages of the Internet are that a lot of the information on there is not true. Everyone is able to spread rumors and lies and put inaccurate information. Therefore it is important to be able to critically think and be able to analyze information on the Internet to make sure that the information is correct. I evaluated two Internet sites on the conspiracy theory of the Illuminati. I came to the conclusion that one of the Internet sites had great information on the Illuminati and the other site did not seem to have accurate information on the Illuminati. I evaluated the two sites in three different categories, which are imagery, creator, and information provided. I went through the sites and looked for all for those threeShow MoreRelatedInternet Is a Double Edge Sword850 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Internet has drastically changed the world. Within a short span of time, it has brought about a new evolution in the mode of networking; expanding from its users population from thousands to billions across the world. With the progression in time, the Internet has become a necessity, playing a major role in various human activities. 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